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  1. O

    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    In preperation for the next batch I also had some other projects on my "to do" list on Tuesday........ Had to prune up my ladies on day 20 and move them to Tray 2 to make room for the incoming........ All set in their final spot till harvest, Jan 28th.......seems like a long way out:cry:
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    These pics updates will better explain my absence......this really is alot of work........ So Tuesday was a cleaning and clone cutting day. As you can see--by allowing 20-21 days between cuttings there is an abundance of vegetation to pick from. The clone area is cleaned with a...
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    Ya sorry guys, three days straight in the grow room.....I had to take care of me mums....... So i did some cutting..........
  4. O

    My First GROW! 2month qp set up

    Nice little perp grow weedman....if you liked my post in that other thread then check out the links in my sig.....major updates coming this weekend....:weed: -OitW:leaf:
  5. O

    is this light gonna work? :S

    Guess i need to remember to post the picture:sleep:
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    is this light gonna work? :S

    a nice option might also be a High-Output Floro like the T-5s I use them to veg clones for about 7 days prior to well on 6" plants:bigjoint:
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    is this light gonna work? :S

    might be a little weak.......keep 'em a mm from the tips and veg for no mre than a few weeks.....probably be ok
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    Plant Tier System

    It was tough to tell but is that an 80 site system...... how much floor space does that take up? If you have to spray for pests or disease it might be a pain it the ass with a fixed site system..... Dubb P makes a good a 24-32 sq.ft SoG you can put 96-144 clones to flower and...
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    Need some Help with hydroponics

    I don't know but i think that HPS needs to be closer....the lumen loss over 66 feet will be substantial :-o
  10. O

    8 lights ir heat?

    IR Block is offered at many hydro shops......
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    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    lmao....thats friggin hilarious......see its a much more entertaining read with both you guys around........:mrgreen:
  12. O

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    hey bugs I was just kissing your ass kiss-ass in that other thread..... I water 5x a day for 15 minutes with the top drip......I will do the same when its flood drain but it will only be a 5 or 6 minute fill cycle and 7-8 minute about the same wet period....even my retired mums...
  13. O

    64 plants in 4x4 flood and draIN TRAY

    i appreciate your combination of--sick sense of humor/good vocab.........reading posts on forums like these just kills me.......they do still teach english in schools right? you would think cannabis is a detriment to society if spelling or grammar was the barometer........:neutral:
  14. O

    64 plants in 4x4 flood and draIN TRAY

    No offense....just referencing you as he would....... I alsways enjoyed y'alls back and forth..........his graphics or pics always made me laugh.......of course so did your quote about him sodomizing himself wth doorknobs, but not to worry they are the round ones:lol:
  15. O

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    Ya me too, just without all the lower branches full of fluffy, under-developed buds that are a manicuring nightmare :blsmoke:
  16. O

    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    No probs yet...I clearex or do a heavy solution h2o2 pumped through them whenever I clean the trays....(every few weeks) just as a preventative measure. the drip tubes have no nozzle, there just an eighth inch feeder tube. I heard high quality synthetic nutes and supplements don't cake shit...
  17. O

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    ditto! but i am trying :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:bongsmilie:bigjoint:bongsmilie:bigjoint:bongsmilie:bigjoint: Nope still can't smoke it all:eyesmoke:
  18. O

    64 plants in 4x4 flood and draIN TRAY

    please, none of that.....I'm glad to see your alive and well......thought you gave up on riu....didn't see you around much after you lost your whipping boy to the flames :bigjoint:
  19. O

    64 plants in 4x4 flood and draIN TRAY

    8x4 trays...SoG...1kw lamps....this all sounds familiar.......:blsmoke: 6 days into flower..... 20 days.......
  20. O

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    Damn Toke, 3-8x8x Rooms huh.... how about three defined areas in the same room......something like this..... Each 1kw lamp could do 6 DWC plants in the same area as each of my lights 6x4=24/6=4sq.ft. per plant......Your gonna want 1kw lamps if you intend on growing trees otherwise the...