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  1. O

    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    Damn see my first post today. I had already gone out, gotten coffee and came back to get to work on the op today......6:45 am Just finished my second 13 hour day in a hippie this bugs!!! lol..... 148 clones cut, pruned and moved 96 flowering girls from tray 1...
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    Need advice on clone enviroment

    You want to have 40-50 watts per square foot of canopy in a productive grow
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    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    I own stock in my utility provider.....lets call my "on-grid" usage a utility stimulus package.......I am just looking out for my dividend:blsmoke:
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    too warm for me!!!!

    If the hood is air-cooled on both lamps and vented on a closed loop and you are relying on your central air from your home to keep it probably need to add an exhaust fan and passive air intake properly sized for the room...... central air with the exhaust fan shoud drop it to...
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    know of any good air filters?

    not that I know of....thats kinda tight for an odor control budget
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    High Pressure Sodium - Metal Halide versus LED grow system

    There is a reason we don't hear from anybody successfully employing led lights in flower....its...ughh....ughhh cause there isn't anybody....right, right............thats why there are no posts singing their praises..... I "didn't" hear it on the internet:blsmoke:
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    Need advice on clone enviroment

    Sounds like you want to set-up a "veg" area to allow these clones to grow into small bushes prior to flowering...... Since you are flowering under HID light I would veg under it as well....floros are ok for a few days but don't give you the thick, vigorous stem and trunk growth that you see...
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    400 watt vs. 600 watt

    now thats good lamp :hump:
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    High Pressure Sodium - Metal Halide versus LED grow system

    LED technology really isn't anywhere close to performing at the level of HID lights--maybe in a few years..... Dude man is right it won't penetrate like the others........:joint:
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    400 watt vs. 600 watt

    Hopefully you aren't using these lamps :mrgreen: As a general rule I avoid the absolute cheapest option when it comes to any parts for my lights--you don't need to buy the most expensive just not the cheapest :blsmoke:
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    400 watt vs. 600 watt

    multiply your current yield per watt by 1.5.....either by increasing flower area or giving you denser, heavier nugs it will give you 50% more....if all else is equal. If your flowering little bushes it will help with penetration, if you are doing a SoG then it will allow more square footage...
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    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    uuhhhh....thanks....i think, lol
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    after 2 unsuccessfull growes, how am i looking

    BTW--I grow in hydro....but those soil temps seem a little cool to me
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    after 2 unsuccessfull growes, how am i looking

    They just look a little over-watered to me, take the plates off the pots and allow them to dry back a fair bit before you water again.... pruning from the bottom-up to maintain good air circulation and encourage heavier flowers at the tops is fine.......I would not transplant at this...
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    1000watt hps in 3x2 closet

    when using 50w/sq.ft.--under ideal conditions the general rule is 1g/ have over 150w/sq.ft. which is.....I can't believe I'm saying this....excessive! If the r.o.t holds true-then a couple lbs dry from each 1000 watt harvest is doable........I expect at least 2 lbs from every lamp...
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    cooling question

    This will probably increase when you fill it with plants and moist grow medium...If you still need to humidify a "Warm air" Humidifier (like for when your sick) will work to warm and humidify the space quite nicely:bigjoint:
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    lol, lmao, I am on it sir!:bigjoint:
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    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    lol......thats how I look at it! If I let myself worry about every little thing I would go crazy..........I jump every time my dog barks as it is........don't need anyhting else to help me sweat...... :bigjoint: You have to believe that I know what my bill is...or approximate usage...
  19. O

    Co2 This link will get you started.....CAP makes great products:blsmoke:
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    cooling question

    A dehumidifier will keep it nice and warm in there, I would not recommend a space heater in a confined space.