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  1. PKNL

    This is sad

    yeah seedling are very sensitive your 100 watter is probly whats killing them offplus with HPS you'll get long distances between nodes ( not a good thing) id turn you HPS off and use it for the flowering stage after your plants reach about 18" tall as for nutes you should only be feeding them...
  2. PKNL

    Simple question

    arnt clay pellets normaly used for hydro setups?
  3. PKNL

    ok so i left my heater on..

    normaly anythin below 90 is good 120%F results in cell damage so if it didnt get to that mark you'll be all good
  4. PKNL

    Chopping day has come(final pics)

    lookin good bro id be happy with that
  5. PKNL

    does it look alright

    looking good so far and i agree with trying to train befor hackin away
  6. PKNL

    Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

    the first two pic are those of the plants veged under cfl and flowering for 1 week under MV lamps pics 3 and 4 are thoughs of a plant veged under clf's and flowering under HPS for 28 days and the last pic is a plant veging under MV for 21 days from clone but had that one under cfl till it was...
  7. PKNL

    Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

    just over a week now with the high uv MV lamps and im noticing deser veg and thinker stems and added shorter nodes about qter to 8th " apart so id say there doing good but this is the first week of flowering and there just starting to get good pistilige but ive hear MH and MV lamps take...
  8. PKNL

    new or old stain

    ok i have one NL clone roting now and im planning on hermieing it in about 2 weeks crossing the two strain and feminizing the seeds will keep you posted on its progress
  9. PKNL

    Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

    after reading all this info about uvb and increased resin production ive started an experiment of my own i usualy veg under MV lamps and flower under HPS lamps this time ive got 3 under HPS and 2 UNder MV completely seperated from each other will see how it goes both plants are purple kush
  10. PKNL

    day 37 flowering under 1200 + watts hps and cfl

    great grow man looks awesome
  11. PKNL

    How high should my humidity be???

    for seedlings/clones about 80 percent humidity is key for veg between 40 and 60 % and flowering between 20 and 30 is recomended
  12. PKNL

    day 50 flowering.. pics

    looking good for 70watts and cfl's
  13. PKNL

    Setting up first grow... I need some guidance

    personlay id try and find a MH lamp instead of HPs for veging you'll get busher and noder plants then swithc to HPS for flowering you wont regret it in the long run, ak-47 is a good strain or even trainwreck best of luck during your grow keep us updated
  14. PKNL

    is this a silly question.

    your fater bulkier seed dont indicate sex man just means there more developed then your tinyer seed and probley have a higher chance of germinating health plants male or female
  15. PKNL

    recomend me a strain

    im curently working on a hybrid od NLx purple kush both strains are very nice NL take longer to flower though about 80 to 90 days under optimal lighting
  16. PKNL

    hey i need alot of help!!!

    idk ordering seed offline would make me paranoid would need as site well used with good recomendation and succsess befor you/id perchase
  17. PKNL

    is it possible????

    yeah unless you do alot of serching and the list is almost unlimited it will be nerely impossible to find the correct strain
  18. PKNL

    Growing Seeds, Please read

    if your planning on producing seeds the most efficient way to do it in feminized seed dont waste tiime sorting them out and taking the chance of getting more males then females to make feminized seeds there 3 ways to do it 1st find yourself a good female worth breeding then get some gabriellic...
  19. PKNL

    Whats Your Favorite Purple Strain?

    hey there personaly i love purple kush it grows quick 45 days in veg and 45 to 55 day to flower great yeild about 3 ounces per plant at 30 inches tall, its got nice thick purple hairs all through the bud taste awesome potencey is about 7 in 1-10 scale nice high, only down side is there light...
  20. PKNL


    cutting usualy take between 10 an 14 days to root simple roottone and b1 is the way to go 1 teaspoon of b1 pergallon is perfect high humidity about 80 or 90 % is where you want it and floros is the way to go not to harsh for the little ones 24/o light cycle after they take root if they start to...