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  1. PKNL

    Purple Plants??

    do you know what strain the plant is, your purple leave could be natural , my Purple kush has purple tinted leaves as you can see in the pic
  2. PKNL

    Temp question, need advice....

    wow your temp is to low, for optimal growth you need it to be between 60 and 75%F temp that low will ultimatly stunt ifnot damage your plants *get the temp up*
  3. PKNL

    Why no fucking buds yet???

    umm cutting them down becuase there not flowering as quick as you like is just a rediculess idea there 4 months down the tube because you didnt have patients leave them be , MH are known to take longer for the budding stage short dence buds with MH switching to HPS was a better idea if the HPS...
  4. PKNL

    I need some help I'm frustrated.

    for a 5x5 space your gonna want atleast 2, 400 watt MH's or 1 1000 watt MH just one 400 watt would be like 1120 lumens per sq foot you'll want a minimum of 3000 lumens per sq foot for proper growth so they dont get all streached and linky
  5. PKNL

    Vegative question against the light time?

    everything ive read on veg growth and light timeing like was said about 18 " is prefered and smaller then that and your yeild will be low , 4 to 6 node is sugested to sex the plants but i have never heard of anyone fully buding them that young , as to light timeing i have mine on 24/0 but my...
  6. PKNL

    Light proofing question

    i agree that is a very good question ive also thought about minimum quantity of light during the dark cycle seems some light wouldnt be bad but moon light is not direct light its reflected but i always keep them in complete darkness. would be somthing to do reserch on
  7. PKNL

    new or old stain

    what do you guys think of these ladies there from 6 inch clones rooted 3 weeks ago
  8. PKNL

    new or old stain

    i would realy like some info on this , the purple kush is very light sensitive and the northern lights is a more hardy plant with good potency and yeild quantity,the purple has good yeild awesome potency and flowers in 45 to 60 days its only draw back like i said is the light sencitivity 2 day...
  9. PKNL

    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    id have to agree with munch on this one blue is good for keeping the nodes close together and makes good stem thinkness to support heavy buds those seedlings look to elongated and strung out best to use daylightbulbs high blue content floros for seedlings clones get the lights right down on...
  10. PKNL

    It is a boy right?

    looks like a male flower pod to me
  11. PKNL

    Anyone's Ideas Plz

    i dont know about heat stress temp would have to be over 90 to do damage 90 % results in slowed growth but plants can withstand 120% then sets in the cell damage as to nute burn i would promply flush your soil 2 gallons water to one gallon medium,and id mist them with plan water a few times a...
  12. PKNL

    Compost from backyard

    hmm well growing outdoors the soil is topsoil high in all your nutrient i honestly dont think you'll need to add compost but depends on what enviorment and area your growing in, heres a though try the compost on a few and try an few without if one grows better then the other you'll have your...
  13. PKNL

    Sleeping with MariJane?

    honestly i have never heard of plants expelling co2 if you have a closet grown what between 3 an 10 plants depending on your space , if it where possible witch i think its not they wouldnt expell enough co2 to do any damage, now if you had a generater in your garage then i would worry
  14. PKNL

    Sleeping with MariJane?

    honestly i have never heard of plants expelling co2 if you have a closet grown what between 3 an 10 plants depending on your space , if it where possible witch i think its not they would expell enough co2 to do any damage, now if you had a generater in your garage then i would worry
  15. PKNL

    purple kush

    im also growing the purple kush most ive ever seen an OZ for is 320 and thats on the high side normaly the accurate range is 10 a gram so that 280, but i know alot of ppl that have been raiseing there prices over the last few year so i figure its good to make a profite but not be overly greedy
  16. PKNL

    Northern lights- 31 days in flower

    sweet looking ladies im growing NL aswell mine is still in the veg stage took one clone off it, ive also heard about UVB and its qualitys i use MV for my veg and HPS for flower the combination works well i also have been growing Purple Kush ive noticed that the NL naturaly grows bushyer, i took...
  17. PKNL

    Things to Know About Lighting

    i got 3 plants under 3 70watt HPS . HPS is the way to go for flowering all the wayits been exactly 16 days since i started this batch and already i have nice bud formation, ive also been useing a high P low N medium K formula , i was looking over the earlyer posts about UVB and UV producing...
  18. PKNL

    new or old stain

    closest strain i can find is purple lightning _ purple indica + northern lights #5
  19. PKNL

    Things to Know About Lighting

    just a simple question from what ive read and heard and experienced, a MV lamp is more efficent for lighting plants keeping the node short encuraging vegitive growth times 5 then floros ive used floros HPS and MV small town here no MH so i cant judge on that one but my question is what if any...
  20. PKNL

    new or old stain

    Ive been reserching strains for a long while now and i cannot find a Northern lights + Purple kush hybrid anyone ever heard of this cross?