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  1. JetSet

    I need the Ultimate Sexing Guide..

    wow 11/11 males would be about a .048% probability.. Sure your grow conditions aren't affecting it?
  2. JetSet

    LED Test Grow.. NO BS

    The first one looks like a digital drawing not a photograph.
  3. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Kinda weird since my other female and my other male were not mature, only had about 2wks veg and showed sex about the same time as my other 1month vegged plants. Might be strain dependent though.
  4. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Hmm I dunno why yours wouldn't be flowering then.. I don't see any hermie signs yet.. Hopefully I wont.. I read on a website that early pollination may not work anyway, so I might not get any seeds..
  5. JetSet

    First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants

    Yea your plants are looking a little small.. Mine were pretty big and branching by week 4-5.. You've followed my journal though so you'd know lol
  6. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    He's gone.. just chopped him.. He had a lot of pollen though just trying to get him out made pollen fly about.. Oh well..
  7. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    It's been about 12 days.. Maybe you have a light leak.. Mine are well into flowering already. First day 12/12 for me was 9/17 Now i might just chop the male down.. It will just keep releasing pollen all the time further pollinating the buds.
  8. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Well the male already opened its sacks I saw open balls, pollen, and a ball sack in the dirt below the male. I had no idea they opened up so soon.. My buds aren't even developed at all they're just starting to get the white hairs and get bigger. Guess I'm definitely in for some seeds. :\
  9. JetSet

    I might have fucked up via craigslist

    You should be fine. Don't use that e-mail address for anything else though. Sometimes if an e-mail address is used often it can be found on google etc (such as a forum or if you posted the e-mail address, spam companies get ahold of it, etc.) Then you'd be able to find the forum name, and then...
  10. JetSet

    Cheap Grow Room

    cfl's are those energy efficient light bulbs you can get at the store... HPS/MH is a kind of High Intensity Discharge light that you can buy online or at a hydro store.
  11. JetSet

    using two 14 watt 650 each lumens,

    Well, if it just sprouted it shouldn't be 5in tall, it must be stretching. The CFLs should be about 2-3in away from the top of the plant.
  12. JetSet

    using two 14 watt 650 each lumens,

    The plant will double in height in flower. so 1ft = 2ft+ and 2x14w lights aren't going to be enough for a 1ft plant even in veg.
  13. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I think I have an idea for the seeds.. There's a tut on gardenscure that would probably work great.. Just using some paper cone around the male to collect all pollen floating about and then to pollinate just take one of the open ball sack branches and pollinate a bud.. I think i'm going to be...
  14. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, I dunno what to do with it though :?:, I want to collect the pollen for some seeds. Want to keep a stash of NL seeds so I don't have to buy them again. Though I might be growing white widow or bubblicious for my next grow.
  15. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    tomorrow the non-vegged male will get the axe.. Sad.. No reason for two males though. I will keep the male at the farthest end of the light away from the females.. I'm really not so sure what to do with it yet though because I don't want the whole crop pollinated.
  16. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Well the bigger plant is fem. I tried to fix the top growth, and bam the top basically cracked off. Damn. it was just starting to produce the bud up there.. :( I'm not sure if it will grow anything back there or what? I guess it doesn't really matter since it wouldn't have gotten enough light...
  17. JetSet

    I dont see how you guys do it

    If you're that paranoid just don't do it.
  18. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    another mistake I probably made.. Yea I didn't run the fans 24/7 didn't really know it was necessary, I ran it on and off.. Next grow I'm going to run it 24/7. Don't like the fan I have now, I'm going to invest in a better one for the next grow.. This one makes too much noise, which was why I...
  19. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    That might be a problem for me as well, the stem doesn't look like a tree stump like I've seen some people have on here.
  20. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    ah alright I'll do that. Was kind of afraid of hurting it.