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  1. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    my plants had their first day of 12/12 today, does it generally take 2 weeks to show sex?
  2. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I think that he was talking about getting an lb from t5's yesterday, but he's only using them for veg.
  3. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I have jars but they weren't originally for curing.. I have them from back when I was trying to grow mushrooms lol
  4. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, that was an option I was also considering. I have the paranoid factor though, I like to keep the closet locked when I'm not around, and on 18/6 I'm not going to be around all the time the light is on... That could work out though, if I used the T5 for veg, and then used the HPS for flower...
  5. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    T5's run considerably cooler than HID, and I'm in an apt where cutting holes isn't allowed. I can have the room sealed and not have temp problems.
  6. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    yea, i was going to get a 250w hps, if the heat isn't too bad to manage i still might later.
  7. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    it's about 4ft long 3ft wide.. I only keep the plants directly under the light though. A mother could be kept in there in a separate light proof box of some sort.
  8. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    HPS was actually what I was going to go with in the beginning, but then I realized it might not be ideal for my closet, so I went with the best fluorescents I could find :D
  9. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Ah well it's something for me to think about for the future, still just getting my feet wet basically though. Better to start small and then work my way up.
  10. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    you've got that AC thing in there though, so I'd have to get one of those as well if not venting. It's more of just my situation, makes it harder to use really hot light bulbs :o If I could tear holes anywhere I want I would've already gotten an HPS.
  11. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I'd probably have to get a grow tent to use an HPS. Either that or replace my door with another door to put vent holes in. I'll see how satisfied I am with the T5's first and then think about upgrades and such.
  12. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I just don't have the space unfortunately. Max I can have at once is probably 5 plants. 12/12 from seed would work for me if yield is actually 1oz.. I could plant 10 or so, sex them and then transplant and flower. There is room somewhere for a mother, so my best option would be to probably set...
  13. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I'm going to be lucky to get a few Oz off this grow and you guys are talking about crazy amounts.. I'm jealous.. lol Really, I just want to get the amount I usually get per mo. which isn't a ton anyway since I never really had the cash to spend on it.. $300/oz craziness..
  14. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I don't know if I could even smoke a pound in two months.. Then again.. Maybe I could :weed:
  15. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, maybe then.. Not sure.. I'd rather just have multiple harvests than one big one every half year..
  16. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Under an 8x4ft t5 it might be possible, i don't know. I know that 8 plants isn't going to fit under my t5 setup unless they're really small. (basically the amount of area you can use with the t5 is the area directly under it, for me that's 4X1FT space)
  17. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, it was right next to the border. I do remember that. Scroogeness: I think my thermometer is also accu-rite.. Not really so accu-rite lol
  18. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Well, I might have been in the upper portion in the mountains, because everyone had these massive 4 wheel drive trucks, and it was a resort area, houses there cost about a million or something. It was awhile ago though, maybe my memory is screwed up lol
  19. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    tahoe is like way up in the mountains by nevada.. maybe you're thinking of another place lol. They get crazy amounts of snow, it's like a ski resort area.
  20. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    wow.. When I went there people were freaking out because it was like 75 or something..