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  1. c3llblock

    how many of you check

    Naw I see all this post on Craigslist saying they check what if they didn't have it was just thinking I wish I had mine but don't n what's the odd of some1 selling to me or what if I shode my moms since here's don't have a pic just something I was wondering
  2. c3llblock

    how many of you check

    How many of you actually check if some 1 has there card or paper work??
  3. c3llblock


    LOL what part of Ypsilanti got its good n bads inkster is crazy Belleville is nice all depends on ypsi tho.Bro
  4. c3llblock

    Steps on how to cook crack up on the stove?

    Strong crack 1 g of soda per 7. Gs of yola
  5. c3llblock

    what strain is this???

    See what I can do when the lights come on
  6. c3llblock

    what strain is this???

    That'd words what I thought was worth a try tho
  7. c3llblock

    what strain is this???

    Wish I knew what she is it was from bagseed
  8. c3llblock

    what strain is this???

    Wondering what strain it is
  9. c3llblock

    my first cfl grow with pics

    i had one like that myself real bushy turned out to be a male for me
  10. c3llblock

    30 days of 12/12 bad yellowing...

    this might help ya out
  11. c3llblock

    what 1 better to use fertilers

    Veg bloom is 16-10-30 the miracle grow is 18-24-16
  12. c3llblock

    what 1 better to use fertilers

    In soil under cfls I'm In 2 week flower now this grow bloom I got says soil mesurments
  13. c3llblock

    what 1 better to use fertilers

    I been using miracle grow rose plant food I got some hydroponic-research veg+bloom. What 1 is better n why thanks in advance
  14. c3llblock

    Light Cycle question

    Wow typying all fucked up damn android phone n fat fingers
  15. c3llblock

    Light Cycle question

    i been usin (cheap way) miracle grow rose plant food 1.5 lbs for 5 bucks at wall mart I just got samples in the mail Toronto hydroponic-research. Com grow+blonde haven't tried it yet
  16. c3llblock

    Light Cycle question

    Use less nutes next time for example it says use 4 tablespoons per gallon use 1/4 of that ( 1 tablespoons slow numb it up when she needs more
  17. c3llblock

    Light Cycle question

    When mine is 10 inch I switched to 12/12. ( was a male that bastard) now new 1 is 16 inches when I switched to 12/12. What lights u usin??
  18. c3llblock

    Light Cycle question

    I ran 24/0 for 5 weeks then bought timer n switched to 12/12
  19. c3llblock

    Light Cycle question

    If me I would just keep em on 24/0 could switch back might stress em a few days