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  1. superskunkd

    Just starting help!

    keep them on 20/4 or 18/6 until you want to change over to 12/12 (flowering)..its up to you and your plants!
  2. superskunkd

    What do you do when one plant outgrows the others? Please help!

    i have yet to tie em over or bend them but i also hear that this is very good technique i am goning to try this soon..!!
  3. superskunkd

    What do you do when one plant outgrows the others? Please help!

    the only reason i use the encyclopedias is because i know their clean..but yeah free is good always and any books will do! and it works really great happy growing:lol:
  4. superskunkd

    What do you do when one plant outgrows the others? Please help!

    johnny was exactly right and this is what i had to do as well i just used encyclopedias... i also place my lights because i grow with cfls on raised and lowered books as well to get the light in the exact spots i want to acheive the most outta my lighting or else i would have random lights...
  5. superskunkd

    Just starting help!

    i beleive there is two sides of this story and you need to ask questions and research but i beleive you can do it while growing.. ask questions or research as problems occure as you start noticing them..and if ther is no problem and you just need to know something look it up and if you cant find...
  6. superskunkd

    Help with first time possession charges

    the kid is a punk and here in michigan your first offense you cop a 7011 i believe and do 6 months probie and then it falls off your record when probie is over.. i however do not know about virginia..i recently went through something like this and i was telling the truth and the other kid was...
  7. superskunkd

    Just starting help!

    in cfls 6500k are for veggin 2700k are for flowering and make sure your cfls are as close as you can get them to your plants without burning them.(this is very important) make sure to like they said leave your water out for 24hrs before giving it to your plants and definately get better soil. it...
  8. superskunkd

    Chevy repairs (bullshit! rant!)

    i say chevys are a dream...everyone knows how to work on them they dont need special tools the parts arent rediculouse and honestly the volkswagen dealer wont even work on my car at the dealership because it has an audi trans in it but that is the way i bought it from the dealership...i think it...
  9. superskunkd

    Seed Delivery Dilemma

    that is exactly what you should do cheers
  10. superskunkd

    Seed Delivery Dilemma

    yeah the only thing ive ever heard of is the seeds get taken well before they ever make it to you..if they did know what it was and it was in fact illegal they would most definately not need to deliver the package to catch you they would already have your address.
  11. superskunkd


    i always water at night. i guess thats just when i started though when i first started this grow was at night. so i have heard mixed reviews of when to water i just watch my plant though if they look really dry in the middle of the day i dont wait til later that evening in just water them. now...
  12. superskunkd

    really weird- half male half female? help!

    if you can take the risk and have the room and lights to do it bud go for it.. i would imo throw it out it wastes space and energy and if you fuck up your other plants you will be pissed.
  13. superskunkd

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    never do or buy something you dont have the money for. go outside meet new people change it up a little and things will fall into place you will also eventually sleep better and if its not a problem for you when yu get some cash buy a small bag and you will get really high off of less...hence...
  14. superskunkd

    an 1/8th for 30?

    ;-)and is this the same FRIEND from the other thread???
  15. superskunkd

    an 1/8th for 30?

    and then you can do this :-( bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie and then.. :lol:and then... :eyesmoke:and then and then and then.... :mrgreen:
  16. superskunkd

    an 1/8th for 30?

    if its good bud take the 8er.
  17. superskunkd

    really weird- half male half female? help!

    hahaha yes chop it up and get rid of it i would also clean up a bit to make sure no pollen had been released, if you hve other plants(wash your hands before touching other plants). hermies are often caused by stress (but not always) caused to the plant by all of your growing elements(feeding...
  18. superskunkd

    When Will I Stop Feeling The Need To Stare Lovingly At My Plants For Hours And Hours?

    i go into my closet where my ladies are blooming and i sit there and literal get lost. its like i inspect every single little thing on them because of course you dont wanna miss anything..wink wink. and the smell is so good and sweet that its almost like getting high just being in there with...
  19. superskunkd

    i think im baked....

    the stupidest thing i have done high is probably hands down when i went to my first day of work at a new job in the wrong clothesss....shit they looked at me like what a fuc@i&* idiot...hahah good times and so much funnier to think about now than it was before i smoked this joint!
  20. superskunkd

    help whats wrong wit my plant

    sounds like nute burn to me