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  1. superskunkd

    Anouther week of flowering she looks nice what u think

    koodos mr green on the grow.. and i beleive it could be anywhere in between 4.5-6.5 weeks for harvest, hang in there this is going to be well worth the mouth watering wait.!!!
  2. superskunkd

    how big are your leaves?

    haha its almost as long as my inscent burner.. the smaller ones have ten leaves though.
  3. superskunkd

    What Do You Do In This Case?

    haha id go pick out my own new piece and just make him smoke with me A LOT!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie and were good!!!!:lol:
  4. superskunkd

    Anouther week of flowering she looks nice what u think

    i think it depends on too many things to say exact but do you have a microscope? to check your trichomes? how long have they been flowering again?
  5. superskunkd

    Technical Jargon

    are we not allowed to post a link in riu to another website? i posted a link for a guy to go check out because he did not know how to properly judge his trichomes and some guy said we were not supposed to do this yet he had done it in the same thread..???? so i searched on riu if we can do this...
  6. superskunkd

    Confused about harvest

    ok i found it and it says we are not allowed to advertise them or promote them not post them so idk..there are however a lot of links throughout these threads..???
  7. superskunkd

    Confused about harvest

    you know i cant seem to find the rules again now for this place and everyone keeps posting links and photos from other links i just assumed it was fine. but since you bring it up thanks and sorry to this guy who needs help.
  8. superskunkd

    Confused about harvest

    maybe this will help a couple links to research...hope it helps i have seen such worse attempts to grow...
  9. superskunkd

    Enough light for flowering???

    also if your not already have your dark period during peak temperature times instead of cooler times of day this will also help with cooling your grow set up
  10. superskunkd

    Enough light for flowering???

    well if your flowering the best bulbs are 2700k but they give off more heat i believe as they are in the red spectrum but the 6500k are for veggin but will also help in flowering... so i say keep the all and find a way to cool them...maybe freeze a bunch of two liters of water and rotate them as...
  11. superskunkd

    my leaves are curled up need help

    i do not see much wrong with that plant...anybody else?? maybe im missing something. if your lights are too far away they might be reaching or something..i dunno here maybe its just the pic but i dont see any burn and the leaves are a tiny upturned but other than that i can not tell from this pic..
  12. superskunkd happy growing good to see ya on here learning about everybodies favorite girls!!! happy growing good to see ya on here learning about everybodies favorite girls!!!
  13. superskunkd

    911 my plants are stretching

    1 to 4 would be 3.5tsp both a and b now this might depend on the nute but 1-4 is what i have heard is the best to start with and only do it every other watering or so...not 100% because i dont use a lot of nutes myself yet but then after a few times you would add like 7tsp and then like 10.5...
  14. superskunkd

    911 my plants are stretching

    whatever the lady told you to do as far as nutes you really need to dillute it because your plants need to be weined on there food first before giving reccomended 1to4 to start with.
  15. superskunkd

    911 my plants are stretching

    haha yeah i might try that but yes in your defense if i had funds and was able to i wouldnt have started with the cfls but since i did i just figured i would continue and mess with the lighting a bit and see what happened. happy growing to everyone though and im interested in to see...
  16. superskunkd

    HELP ME!!! Please

    plant problems follow this link hey guys and girls.. here is a great link that takes you to a page where they show pictures of and explain exactly what to do with troubled plants. yellow leaves, root rot , nute deffiency, nute lock out, nute overdose, etc...etc... i was having some issues but...
  17. superskunkd

    911 my plants are stretching

    i am doing an experiment on the light spectrum and this is why- "As you mentioned, you have several lighting systems to choose from, including compact fluorescents and high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps. Among HPS lamps you have a choice between a single 100-watt lamp which uses a total of...
  18. superskunkd

    911 my plants are stretching

    because for one ballast its over a hundred dolls unless you bargain shop and i am unemployed at the time being... i spent a total of about 30 dollars and this was an experiment with cfl's... i have been researching and while the energy bill may go up i save money on trying to keep my closet...
  19. superskunkd

    N Deficiency or Nute burn? Please Help may help may not woth taking a look though
  20. superskunkd

    Growing In Hot Garage

    you would have to be pumping cool air into the space for sure i would set up in closet in the house if it were going to be that hot.(if you have a/c?) and just make sure you have a tube going into the room with a/c being blown through. if thats not possible and you would absolutely have to grow...