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  1. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    Updated pics!! Day 8 for Sara Day7 For Jenny They got a little heat burns from the lights being too close so i backed it up a little bit, i plan on flowering next week
  2. wrecka

    PC Case Fan (3inch) DYI Carbon Filter

    thanks ill be sure to make these very soon, where did you get the carbon filters?
  3. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    Today a new set of leaves have grown on my two plants! Heres some updated pics: Here's Sara Jenny
  4. wrecka

    GROw BOX HELP PLZ! 1st grow

    i run my lights 24hours throughout whole veg with my cfls MORE LIGHT=MORE GROWTH in shorter amount of time too :}
  5. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    The plant thats leaves were stuck together is now showin some love! I've also decided to name my plants as well, Heres Jenny : and Sara
  6. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    Here are some news photos as promised, they seem to be looking fine and dandy don't you think? Though one still hasn't spread its wings as i anticipated today :/ Oh yeah I took these photos right after watering/misting. Plant 1: Plant 2: A few days earlier Now: The pair of leaves...
  7. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    plants are looking great, the second plant's seed shell just came off and should be able to spread its wings tomorrow, will post new pics soon
  8. wrecka

    NEW VEGG ROOM (pics)

    what lights are you using? if cfl u should flower at day 16 of vegging according to the cfl book by seemorebuds :0
  9. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    yeah blue mystic from nirvana seeds i have 2 planted but i dont think im going to have enough room in this little box so im unsure what im going to do
  10. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    Some organic soil I picked up from the local hydro shop, the picture of the bag is on the first page.
  11. wrecka

    First stealth grow bagseed PICS

    doing great got their first pair of leaves, im so proud 8)
  12. wrecka

    PC Case Fan (3inch) DYI Carbon Filter

    anyway you can give step by step instructions, i agree the activated carbon gets everywhere and has even stained my carpet =[... i really like this invention and id like to use it :)
  13. wrecka

    how much light is needed for flowering?

    the more bulbs, the marry. just keep the bulbs as close as possible to the plant without touching it and surround the plant to cover as much area as possible and youre set
  14. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    Hey everyone its only been 2days since I've planted my seeds and one of them has their first set of leaves! So far I've just been misting the soil with distilled water until the soil is moist and running the lights on 24hours excepted when i water them, i turn off the lights. Here's the new...
  15. wrecka

    First stealth grow bagseed PICS

    wow that is one clear photo, nice plant
  16. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    yeah theyre up and running but its still pretty high temps since its such a small box and the white is very reflective. i plan on putting on a 3rd light when the plant grows bigger
  17. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    Heres the little sprouts, its alive ALIVE!
  18. wrecka

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    today is a very exciting day! i can see that the 2 seeds that i've planted are both arising from the soil. very little green specks poking through, will post picture later on today