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  1. H

    Is World wide seeds safe?

    well not a friend a relative, who would also be getting the fruits of the labor in the project. THe person is actualy sick and its one of the only thing that helps her and unfortunetly mm hasnt become legal here yet
  2. H

    Is World wide seeds safe?

    I realy want ot order from them. they are the best in price, but if heard so many bad things about ordering on line that i want to do my homework before i order.
  3. H

    Is World wide seeds safe?

    Yes(i have to make this longer cause the minimum)
  4. H

    Is World wide seeds safe?

    Is it safe to send it to your address or should you use a friend
  5. H

    Is World wide seeds safe?

    I wanted to know what peoples experience has been with world wide seeds and if its safe to have them sent to your home address or if you should have it sent to a friends/relatives house. Im thinking of ordering seeds from them from a regomendation that i recived from this site. I love this site...
  6. H

    Hairs Turning Orange

    yeah it does but its handy when i clean myfish tank i use it to water my plants(hose plants) and it stinks up the whole house. bone meal isnt bad and you could always just give a dose of whatever nutes u used in veg
  7. H

    Hairs Turning Orange

    most flowering nutes are low in nitrogen and some plants need more when they flower giver her some fish emulsion or bone meal
  8. H

    Hairs Turning Orange

    sounds like they need some nitrogen
  9. H

    Thank you

    I just wanted to start a thread where people could come to thank everyone for all there help and also where people that dont get enough thank yous can come an dread some and maybe make themself feel better, or whatever. You all have helped me a lot and i belive that evveryone form the newbie to...
  10. H

    CFL or HPS

    Hey htanks man i never thought of that im building everyother part of the woom and set up myself. i hate paying so much for shit that you can buy at a store and with a little work make it yourself, plus i think that at least mentaly the product is better in the end because you have put to much...
  11. H

    CFL or HPS

    i said thats what im gonna do in my last post, i fucked up and spelt shit wrong but hey i was sober. LOL im going with strait floros for veg and a 400w hps for the flower room.
  12. H

    CFL or HPS

    yeah i am copletley going with the hps, im stimm gonna use some floros wor side lighting and vegging but im gonna get a 400w hps thank all of you for the great advise
  13. H

    Purple stems

    thanks man im starting to see hwa tyour talking about i only have the 4 fan leafes left on the top and after i sniped the otheres they are starting to get eaten up now. and the stems are dark purple all of them
  14. H

    Munch Box says all rollitup hates me...

    i would jsut like to say htat i love you ff and please dont leave, you have helped me alote
  15. H

    Purple stems

    yeah i flushed because of nute water. i put a lote of water through it i hope it was enough. i didnt have to much at the time so i just kept putting water in until it came out clear at the bottom about 6 64oz containers through a 10in pot. also it was transplanted right before this started...
  16. H

    Munch Box says all rollitup hates me...

    the poll is missleading i voted narp but i meant yarp
  17. H

    Purple stems

    well i had to give her a flush about a week ago and she is showing no sign of improvment, i have had to trim 4 fan leafs because they were dying and i thought htat it might spread to the rest of the plant.the 2 fan leafs that i have left are starting to do the same thing that the ones i have...
  18. H

    what is the best grow medium for hydro

    whats a stickied thread
  19. H

    My flower room

    until yesterday when another guy gave me a good site, i thought they would all be outta my range but im thinking now i can get at least a 400w hps and tehen put some floros in there for side lighting and extra light. if i need to that is
  20. H

    My flower room

    they are the same heat as a normal hps light just no venting and they put out the same lumens as if i bought a 75w grom wight