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    Yellow tips on the leaves--a sign of nute burn?

    I have some yellow tips on the ends of some otherwise very green leaves-- (Then some of the leaves are dying there too). Is that nute, or light burn? (But most of the leaf itself is very green--just a few cms at the end are yellow.) I appreciate any advice!
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    CAP ozone generator--run it for how long?

    Thanks :) I'll sticki it in the ducting then where the air vents outside... Thanks for the advice :)
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    CAP ozone generator--run it for how long?

    Ran the ozone generator tonight--I was shocked how fast it took care of the smell. It started smelling like a rainforest almost instantly. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how long to run it?
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    CAP ozone generator--run it for how long?

    I got one of those CAP ozone generators that's works for 5500 cubic square feet. I was wondering how safe it is to run in a room 15x14, with the tent inside the room? (Just running it outside the room.) 15 min/hour sound okay? The room has good ventilation, but I read ozone can build...
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    anyone else think its disgusting that christians are accepting gays now?

    Its good to hear that Christians are finally coming around to the truth--gays deserve equal human rights. There is no doubt that God exists--just look at the universe, and how rare Earth is (is it rally just a scientific fluke we're all here?), but humanity can screw it up sometimes--even...
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    What kind of nutes recommended for an indoor soil grow?

    Gonzo--do you think Organic soil is better as well? What is the advantage of using Organic soil--does it taste better? What about bugs?
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    Favorite movie titles of all time... What's your favorite movie titles?

    The Shining. (anything by Kubrick) Exotica (anything by Egoyan) And anything by P.T. Anderson...
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    What kind of nutes recommended for an indoor soil grow?

    I've been growing Bullrider in rockwool, which hasn't been working out very well, so I was going to pot them in soil. I was thinking about using Miracle Grow with moisture control, and I was wondering what you guys recommend for nutes. Right now they've been vegging for four weeks, but...
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    OJ Simpson. Murderer or not?

    Of course he did it. Nicole's 911 calls about his abuse say it all. That's said, we live in a country that values the jury system. Do we really want a bunch of judges deciding our fate all the time? I think there are pros and cons to both..let's face, some people are stupid. Do you really...
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    Growing in Rockwool--advice?

    Do you have to feed them twice a day, even if the cube us moist to the touch? That would definitely explain why they look so wilted...
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    Growing in Rockwool--advice?

    What makes the Rockwool so hard? I like the fact they're in easy to handle cubes--that's why I'm trying to make it work :) Is it that feeding them is so difficult? (Like the ph?)
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    Growing in Rockwool--advice?

    Bump it up
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    Growing in Rockwool--advice?

    I'm trying to grow a couple of plants in Rockwool, and they were doing okay, then they took a turn for the worst and became very wilted and yellow. I gave them more nuts, and they didn't look much better. I was just wondering what experiences people have had with Rockwool, and what they...
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    This shooter in Arizona--"pot smoker"

    I know...I just think its terrible how they keep throwing "pot smoker" into it, as if that was a sign of his mental problems. This tragedy is so awful, and such a sign of how hostile times have become in the U.S., and I think it sucks that they are roping in something as harmless as marijuana...
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    This shooter in Arizona--"pot smoker"

    It's awful that they talking about this crazy shooter in Arizona as a "pot smoker", because there's almost guaranteed to be some political backlash against us... It totally sucks, because some of us have some serious health problems (myself included), and the powers that be are going to use...
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    SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX do not enter if SEX offends you

    *** "sisterinlaw and her boyfriend" So..was her husband around? :)
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    Is Apartment Growing a Bad Idea ?? 1 - 3 plants

    *** How much gonzo do you use for how many plants? (Do you just put it in a bowl?)
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    Who was the worst criminal in history?

    [/B][/I] SO.... If Jews themselves (not just 1 but 3 different Jew Organisations!) say that they didn't lose 6 million and actually GAINED ethnic population during the time of WWII then why am I the one here thats supposedly wrong? Waiting. Because your math is wrong idiot. If there...
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    Led Users Unite!

    So what was the outcome?