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  1. D

    Sunshine Systems 90w LED -- any thoughts on it?

    I was also wondering, if there was any heat with the 90w..the 28w had none. Some LEDs are a lot hotter than I expected. Thanks!
  2. D

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I agree--I think it was probably just enthusiasm, but still... I actually had a question for you-- What is the most important qualities to look for in a good warehouse? Electicity, space? I was curious what you've learned over the years in terms of picking a good location-- Thanks for...
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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    WTF. Maybe he's just naive and trying to be helpful...maybe, but then we know he's kind of stupid so no matter how you look at it RUN RUN RUN. Geezus.
  4. D

    LED grow

    What brand of LED did you buy? Some brands work better than others, so a 90w LED from one company is not the same as a 90w LED from another company. Thats part of the reason there's so much confusion regarding LEDs :) Good luck with your grow!
  5. D

    Sunshine Systems 90w LED -- any thoughts on it?

    I was wondering if anyone has had some experience with this LED? I've been extremely happy with their 28w Grow Panel for vegging, so I was thinking about trying their 90w with a little HPS combination for flowering. Has anyone had any success with this light? It's a litle pricier than...
  6. D

    Led Users Unite!

    I've had excellent results vegging with a 28w Grow Panel from Sunshine Systems--I'm amazed how well its working for vegging. I'd get 4 for a 4x4. You won't be disappointed. If that's too pricey, you can get two blackstar 240w lights--they've been really good as well. I think the Sunshine...
  7. D

    LED Lights Anybody? What Brand?

    Yes--I love the Sunshine Systems 45 Glow panel. It's been working beautifully during the early stages and vegging. Hightly recommend it.
  8. D

    And this is why you don't tell everyone what yer doing ... idiot kid

    Arrogance and ego...that's why a lot of people who break the law get caught--they want someone else to know about it-- Thankfully, in my state it's easy to stay within the law, and I still don't talk about it because I don't want any accidental headache. I watch a lot of Forensic Files, and...
  9. D

    Growing in Rockwool--advice?

    Realstyles--what kind of watering system are you using? What is your nute schedule, and what kind of nutes and how much? They look beautiful--I can't believe they're growing that nicely out of rockwool!
  10. D

    Thanks for your post! What watering system are you using (or do you manually water them). And...

    Thanks for your post! What watering system are you using (or do you manually water them). And how often do you water them, with what nutes? Thanks for posting!
  11. D

    Sunshine Systems 28w Grow Light--I love it

    I just wonder if that's flowering for things like tomotoes and peppers...I guess theres only one way to find out, lol. I may just throw this Sunshine light in with my other lights and see what happens :)
  12. D

    Sunshine Systems 28w Grow Light--I love it

    The Sunshine Systems 28w light is a mixture of blue and red (it might be others, I'm not totally sure off the top of my head). It's their new Grow Panel, that has 'pass through power' (so you can link them if you want to). They say its the equivalent to 250hps, but I never know if we can...
  13. D

    Sunshine Systems 28w Grow Light--I love it that I'm thinking more about it, do you think this might be overkill? I really do love this Sunshine Systems LED though--has anyone used it (or tried) for flowering?
  14. D

    Sunshine Systems 28w Grow Light--I love it

    I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this light-- I've bought a few LED lights so far, and this 28w light from Sunshine Systems has surpassed my expectations--Ive been very surprised for how well it's working, especially considering how low he wattage is. What I'm...
  15. D

    sunshine systems LED panels

    How did things work out for you with that Sunshine light? (How far along in the process did you use it?) I just bought a 28w Sunshine light and I love it so far...
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    Led Users Unite!

    I would be careful about buying random LEDs--the quality between the lights has been tremendous. I bought a 28w LED from Sunshine Systems for about $150, and its been working *way* better then the '300w' random light I bought shipped to me from China (I think that one was from
  17. D

    First Grow with LED's

    During flowering, are you using both LED and HPS, or just HPS for flowering? I'm trying to mix it up right now...the 28w LED from Sunshine Systems has been working *great* for vegging, btw--I've been blown away by how effective that light has been for low little wattage it is. Just wondering...
  18. D

    What have you learned NOT to do?

    Ive learned you never really know who your true friends are till the shit hits the fan.
  19. D

    Yellow tips on the leaves--a sign of nute burn?

    Thanks for that advice--I didn't realize each strain has different nute needs. I have them some RO water, and they definitely seemed happier a day later--there's still some yellow at the edges, but it's much less.
  20. D

    Yellow tips on the leaves--a sign of nute burn?

    Thanks--it sounds like nute burn then (cuz its turning yellow, then browning and dying). They're in soil, so I'll just had some RO water and see if that helps! (Sorry about no pics--my stupid camera broke, but I'm going to get another one soon :) I really appreciate the advice!