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  1. S

    DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

    Hey hungry Ray, you like the technaflora lineup? I don't see many people using it, especially in the DWC. Works really well for me, though I've never tried anything else... I don't know if I want to though, I'd be choked if it didn't work out as well. The techflora nutes really seem to flush out...
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    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    Thanks fellas. That's a nice 400W scrog from 2005! I'm definitely doing a scrog with a net next time, I think it'll be a lot easier to train the canopy, and I'll probably be able to do a better job. Also probably the last time I'll do this AK47, though I will keep it around in case I want to...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I run my water 1 inch above the bottom of my pots. Air gap = cord roots, and cord roots don't do anything but support roots in the water, they don't feed.
  4. S

    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    Day 21 in the bud room, the bowl of love in full effect. Definitely going to use a screen next time to make training the canopy easier. First pic of my PC fan air cooled pump with nute bottle silencer, if you try it, you'll love it.
  5. S

    DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

    Not quite scrogged, just trained and tied down to a support around the sides. Going to go full scrog with a net next time though, I think it'll make the training easier. 2 AK47 plants under 1000W in 80L recirced cooler res. Pics were day 10 flower. Someone mentioned some need for smack talk in...
  6. S

    Need Help! Slime on Roots

    6 weeks veg and you're only using a 150W hps? That doesn't make much sense, that plant would be way too big for a 150W. I'd follow billy's advice though. H2O2 and then bennies. Check out heisenbergs tea recipe in this same forum too. Make sure your water temps are 60-70F. If you only have 1...
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    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    I suppose if I made a system where I could start training the plant to the screen in veg, and then move the plant and screen out of it's veg container, and into the bud room in a cooler. It would be pretty tricky though. Or do you just not do any training until you put it to bud? My plants would...
  8. S

    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    Vertical would be interesting to try. I'd have to rig up some type of cool tube on the bulb to keep things at an acceptable temp in there. The only issue I think is I'd have to veg and grow in the same space, because I think I'd have to be training all through veg? Something to look into for...
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    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    Thanks guys! Appreciate the kind words. 1000W and 2 girls in that closet. Also have a 250W for my moms, clones, and vegging girls. But there's nothing vegging right now, about to start some rooted clones vegging in a week or so to get ready for the next crop. Going serious seeds bubblegum...
  10. S

    Light Pruning?

    A very small amount of light doesn't seem to hurt too much, but none is best.
  11. S

    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    Thanks FriSki. I responded about your system in the cooler club thread earlier. The largest tube you see is the 1/2" tube from the pump. I stabbed 1/4" barbs through the 1/2" tube and attached 4 1/4" tubes to feed the coolers, one into the front, and one into the back on each cooler. The two...
  12. S

    1000w Scrog?

    It can be done indeed. I have a 1000W closet grow with 2 plants in an RDWC system. Not scrog, but I train the canopy. About half done in this picture, I finished round 2 of training tonight, I'll post another pic tomorrow. I got 22 ounces last time from 2 smaller plants in 5 gallon buckets. Now...
  13. S

    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    Another advantage to linking them up is being able to run a large amount of water and never have the level in your grow coolers drop (cause they are constantly feed by the control cooler). When I do a res change, I put in 80 litres for two plants, and during stretch in flower, they're drinking...
  14. S

    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    Thanks, two girls indeed. I ran the same strain last time, but with a different setup in smaller containers (5gal). Changed over to 10 gal coolers for the summer months. They were getting root bound in 5gal buckets with much smaller plants last time, and my air pump was putting out so much with...
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    AK-47 1000W Closet Cooler Grow

    Still have some more training of wayward branches to do. I might try with a net next time. Using technaflora lineup of nutes.
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    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    FreeSki what size hole did you drill? It's no big deal bro, just go get yourself a bulkhead fitting. My coolers are RDWC, and now I'm setting up a med grow for a friend with 16 coolers all connected in an undercurrent system. I cut a hole in each cooler's lid for pot, then a 2 more holes...
  17. S

    help on bubbleponics in a sealed c02 room

    I don't remember the figures, usually air is around 300-500ppm and you bring it to around 1500ppm for growing? That's like going from 0.0003% to 0.0015% C02 in the room. It won't matter to the water in the buckets, they'll still have plenty of oxygen to absorb with the sealed room air pumped...
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    at 8.5 weeks looking alot better

    I use the Technaflora recipe for success, it works absolutely amazingly for me. The sugardaddy and the humic acid in the B1-Red will stain your roots a bit, but it's nothing out of the ordinary. You'll see by the end of the week they're white again as they've consumed everything. That's what...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks Heisenberg. Can the tea be made with only the earth worm castings and molassas? One less thing to order anyway.
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    C99 and Pure Gooey DWC SCROG

    Whoops! I ment pineapple/grapefruit. Those are the 2 I've seen mentioned.