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  1. G

    am i screwed?

    haha sucka. jk, im baked. well i think yiou should just plant new ones as soon as u can.XD
  2. G

    10 sites 500 plants total prep

    if you mix clay with sand theres good chance that it will turn to cement
  3. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    wow. My friend is an idiot. He started teaching his own kid how to smoke hes only 10.
  4. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    lol. some people just dont pay attention
  5. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    ah man. ur going to get your profile deleted. You are supposed to be 18
  6. G

    I want to grow outdoors this year but have a few questions plz

    u probably ont get many answers man. just search around these forums and ull find all of em
  7. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    umm. no. i disagree with u actually i have grown it indoors for quite a while now along with some other stuff and its pretty decent i like the nice chill yet fun high it gives me.
  8. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    my first plant was ice. the same one that im throwin out this year
  9. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    smoking-14 growing-16
  10. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    started smoking weed? started growin weed? :hump:
  11. G

    Flowering Already???

    they dont really look like theyre budding. but the way i see it is. if they flowere now u coould plant some and harvest twice:hump:
  12. G

    whats the best way to germ. seeds???

    is it possible to plant my sprouted seeds during the rain. because I have had sproted seeds for about 2 days and hasnt stopped raining. its not raining too hard but if i keep em inside theyll just die
  13. G

    pots vs. ground

    and how about growing in bags? I would like to know which method holds water the longest. straight in the ground, pots or grow bags. thanks
  14. G


    If I only can visit my site once a week then should I plant strait in the ground, or pots. What holds water the longest?
  15. G


    thank that video is helpfful
  16. G

    growing weed in prison new help

    this would be sick. even if u dont get to harvest theyll be like WHAT THE FUCK? :wall:
  17. G

    DRYING question

    what i do is move the buds around a bit so they dont get smooshed or flat sides and just burp them for about 15 minutes
  18. G

    Police Warning B/f Busting A Grow??

    how bout if they find 6 plants. do u think they will bother.
  19. G


    hallucinate hmm... now that would be some bombin weed
  20. G


    thank you.