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  1. G

    Totally Stealth Grow?

    maybe u could grow 4-5 plants if u set everything up in a pool table. u take of the top part or somthing. just throwin it out there
  2. G

    growin in state parks in VA

    well ok thanks man. no i have another spot , but its just that i live near a park thats near. but now that i thought of what could be the consequences. screw that idea
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    ok. thanks
  4. G

    growin in state parks in VA

    How safe are state parks to grow in? and has anybosy grown in a VA statepark specifically?
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    could i use mulch as part of my soil. would that be good? i heard it lowers ph levels. but im growin near pine trees. so that could even itself out???
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    could i use mulch as part of my soil. would that be good?
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    what should i put into the mix???

    This year I wanted to go REALLY organic and wanted to make my own ferilizer soil and was wondering what should i put in it. Thanks
  8. G

    food dehydrator?????

    thanks. I just saw it on some thread
  9. G

    food dehydrator?????

    I want to know if I can dry my buds using a food dehydrator?
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    bull***** strains

    yea. people could just be bullshitin u noe
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    bull***** strains

    ey i was just wonderin. have u ever wondered if all these strains are bs, cuz how do u really noe wat strain u have. becuz if i buy some weed and grow some bagseed and its supposedly some kush u wouldnt really noe. oh and im preety fuknig hi rite now :shock:
  12. G

    aqua globs?

    this year im growin about 15 plants this year of ice and some bagseed. And I can only water my plants once a week. so i wanted to noe if i can just buy or make aqua blobes. plop them in and give them a good watering once a week.:leaf:
  13. G

    jimson weed

    yea. after reaserchin this lil plant a bit more i have come to a conclusion. F*** that shit, ill stick to my shrooms. lol. Thanx for all of ur responses
  14. G

    helicopters in the east coast

    im thinkin of growin bout 10 plants in a residential neighborhod spread out. do u think helicopters would be able to detect small patches like that. and does n e one live near in the east coast and noe if a lot of helicopaters fly around
  15. G

    jimson weed

    I was reserching this jimson weed and im not sure if i wana try it but if i were to try what are the doses i should take and stuf. so if n e one has done this can u recommend a dose.:wall:
  16. G

    Anyone want the craziest trip ever.....shrooms or acis just aint enough?

    dude if u could give me a link of what would be the dosage to get fucked up but not die. that would be sweet
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    Growing in VA

    va is virginia, dude i have a buddy that lives there and this year hes also gonna try to grow. Hows the weather down therre usually during the spring and summer. andhow many times a week does it usually rain.
  18. G

    growing near a creek. without worries?

    i usually grow indoors but this year i decided to try somthing new and try it outside. so i have a few ice seeds and was wonderin if i could plant them like a couple feet from the water. And that way i wouldnt even have to water them evry day. because the spot i found is a bit far, because the...
  19. G

    how to set up a watering system

    thanks orange shovel
  20. G

    how to set up a watering system

    thanks. i think im gonna get a battery powerd water timer.