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  1. LoopDigga

    can i flower

    . yes.
  2. LoopDigga

    How Do I make my own reflector out of a can??

    yeah, if I were to do this, I'd cut both top and bottom off and just flatten it and bend it however I want.
  3. LoopDigga

    How Do I make my own reflector out of a can??

    well, if you have a lot of cans, don't worry about conserving space near the bottom, just cut where it's easy.
  4. LoopDigga

    How Do I make my own reflector out of a can??

    cut the top and bottom off, cut a slit down it? it shouldn't be too hard.
  5. LoopDigga

    Harvest Time Question

    I'd give it at least 8 weeks to flower, if about half of the hairs are amber, pick it.
  6. LoopDigga

    lighting for small grow space

    HPS lights work just fine for veg. it's not optimal, but they do better than flouros.
  7. LoopDigga


    any exposure shocks your plant.
  8. LoopDigga

    growing out doors in new york

    I live in PA and I can usually plant by early April. I don't think NY should be too much different.
  9. LoopDigga

    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    I agree with ^ they'd be crispy and yellowing by now if it were the light.
  10. LoopDigga

    Small Strain

    you'll want the strains already suggested.
  11. LoopDigga

    what is the most hallucinogenic strain

    all strains are pretty equal, it's pretty much only auditory hallucinations I guess sativa strains
  12. LoopDigga

    helo do i creat co2 wivout talkin to my plants???????

    that works, but only for a little while unless you rig up a drip system.
  13. LoopDigga

    No brown Hairs after 60 days why?????

    have you searched them nice and thoroughly? it may just be the hps, but I think I see some ambering.
  14. LoopDigga


    that's how mine have been as well, well, my brother prints shirts, hats, signs, etc. for them, and I make plugs(earrings) for my brothers company, trade is awesome.
  15. LoopDigga

    How Much Direct Sunlight Does A Plant Need???

    well, lets just say I've planted a seed under a tree, and I got a quarter ounce off of it. They're definitely a hardy plant and can make due with what they're given. I think your atrium would be fine.
  16. LoopDigga


    nah, doesn't look like the work from WC extremeink.
  17. LoopDigga


    xtremeink from west chester?!
  18. LoopDigga

    Humidity question

    yeah, your soil may dry a bit quicker, so keep an eye on that. since you have a humidifier, just keep it on.
  19. LoopDigga

    Humidity question

    if you're already flowering, don't worry too much about it. humidifier and buckets of water are really all you can do.
  20. LoopDigga


    the chemical makeup of THC