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  1. R

    Transplant Advice

    Thanks dooooood! Thats good advice. I wouldnt have thought to keep them dark for a bit after transplanting. I guess ya learn something every day
  2. R

    Advice from a noob to other noobs

    I agree with PoorDad... Sometimes it is nice to get a fresh perspective on a topic that has been talked about in the past. People learn new things everyday but might not share their new info unless asked about it. REP+ PoorDad! PS - This is coming from a noob,
  3. R

    HELP! one month flowering the plant seem to be dying quick!!

    yikes! lets see another pic... doesnt look good broseph
  4. R

    Transplant Advice

    Does anyone know of a good link for instructions on how to transplant? I am new to growing and my seedlings are ready... Does the new soil need to be wet :mrgreen:
  5. R

    Technaflora Starter Kit...

    Has anyone ever used the technaflora starter kit? My girls are a week old and i am getting ready to start feeding. Just wanted to see if anyone has had any good/bad experience with these nutes... REP+ for all contributions! :blsmoke:
  6. R

    Nutrients for my babies?

    Thanks Kevin!
  7. R

    Nutrients for my babies?

    Are there any nutes that I should be using after week 1? My little girls seem to be slowing down a bit so I figure they might want some food! REP+ for all contributors!!!
  8. R

    Plants reaching for light??

    I figured it out... They just needed water. It wasnt that they were stretching, it was the leaves were reaching towards the light....looked like this ----> \/ lol, sweet drawing. Anyways thanks everyone for the help. REP+ for all!
  9. R

    Plants reaching for light??

    no heat problems... i think that the lights might not be actual 150w's... I am gonna get stronger lights... thanks for the advice! REP+ for all!
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    Plants reaching for light??

    My plants are about 6 days old and I am using 150w CFL's... They seem to be reaching for the lights, but my lights are about 3 inches away from them. Could it be another problem? Maybe underwatering? REP+ for all contributors!
  11. R

    Plants reaching for light??

    My plants are about 6 days old and I am using 150w CFL's... They seem to be reaching for the lights, but my lights are about 3 inches away from them. Could it be another problem? Maybe underwatering? REP+ for all contributors!
  12. R

    Ventilation Over-rated?

    yeah that makes sense. +rep!
  13. R

    Ventilation Over-rated?

    It was white widow and I yielded only about 35 g's off 2 plants.
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    Ventilation Over-rated?

    Let me premise this with the fact that I only have 1 grow under my belt... When I was in college, I did a closet grow with a 400w HPS light. I used this light from start to finish. Because of my setup, I had ZERO access to fresh air. The only airflow was from oscillating fans in the closet. I...
  15. R

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    Looks good broham!.. Did you build the PC case? If not, where did you buy it?
  16. R

    200w Cfl Barneys Farm Blue Cheese 3 Weeks Veg

    Looks like it will produce a nice yield!
  17. R

    Accidental Grower!

    your mom is cool!
  18. R

    Advanced Nutrients?

    Are there any Advanced Nutrients solutions that I can use right from the start? My little girls just popped their heads out of the soil! Let the fun begin!!:hump:
  19. R

    Buy a Grow Box?

    I am pretty lazy and I am not very good with my hands so I want to buy a grow box or grow tent... Does anyone have any good suggestions on which one to buy? I am leaning towards a Homebox XS. Thoughts?
  20. R

    Seeds just Germinated

    Cool. Thanks for the advice guys... Another question - Should I put the pots under a light even before they sprout? Does it matter?