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  1. halfbaked04

    Possible hermie need input

    Congrats, btw the other pic definetly shows pistles, kinda hard to see though but I assure you they are there. Why are the nut sack looking ones lower on the plant? and is there anything I can do to remove the male parts? and how smokeable is a hermies flowers?
  2. halfbaked04

    Possible hermie need input

    The two pics here are of preflowers on my plant. Its been 1 week of 12/12 and Ive noticed two different kinds of preflowers. The first definetly has pistles coming out and the other looks like a "ball on a stick". The ones that I think are female are on the higher nodes of the plant and the...
  3. halfbaked04

    Un Problemo

    Possibly nute burn, what kinda nutrients do you give it and how much? how big is the plant/planter as well. Also check the ph of your soil as that may be a problem as well.
  4. halfbaked04

    how long after 12/12

    Just wondering because I've never noticed before, but how long after I set my timers to 12/12 should I expect to see pre-flowers, or even flowers. I think I'm at 5 days of 12/12 and don't really see anything.
  5. halfbaked04

    Long stringy plants?

    Dude thats hilarious at 4 weeks those plants should be much bigger, at least 6 nodes. They need help quick, get an hps or some cfl's if you have to. Put them fairly close to the light, then spend some time on these forums mainly the grow faq. do that and you'll have good plants like your buddy
  6. halfbaked04

    moving plant inside?

    Depends on what kinda money you want to spend, and did it mainly grow outside under the sun?
  7. halfbaked04

    moving plant inside?

    buy a shit load of CFL's if its gotta be them. Id say at least 6 of them probably more though, especially during flowering
  8. halfbaked04

    Check me out

    Just thought I;d post some pics and get some feed back on my grow. How do you think it's goin, advice, feedback. Also how soon do you think I could start 12/12, its on its 5th node. some have said you could start anywhere from the 6th to the 10th and even more. Basically I'm testing out the...
  9. halfbaked04

    to little light?

    depends, for CFL (im guessing), 42watts is ok for seedlings and the first couple nodes, but you'll need more the larger the plant gets. 30-40 watts per sq foot is recomended but I'd do a little more. I got an indica thats on its 5th node and almost a foot tall; I use 2 42watt cfl's for it, and...
  10. halfbaked04

    green caterpilers eating my buds

    Cut off all of the parts of the plant that were eaten by the caterpillars, those parts will decay and eventually mold which will spread. Other than that you pretty much did it right. Just keep checking the plant, ply apart the buds gently because they like to nest deep down in them. To me...
  11. halfbaked04

    success with halogens!!!

    I knew I'd get a few of ya, I like the miracle grow = miracle bud
  12. halfbaked04

    success with halogens!!!

    Just kidding... happy haloween stoners!
  13. halfbaked04

    need help plz dying brown / yellow leaves

    Here's a good link for you to take a look at its under the grow FAQ and it has good pics with advice and information. Looks to me like maybe nute burn, how do you feed it?
  14. halfbaked04

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    I gotta agree my herb smoked at 3 weeks of cure is noticably better than herb smoked off 1 or less weeks cure
  15. halfbaked04

    Oh, MY GOD.

    Looks like transplant shock to me, its hard to transplant during flowering, keep an eye on it but it should recover
  16. halfbaked04

    Veg period length

    It is seed NL#5 to be exact, Pot is large 6-8Gal and transplant went great no shock, CFL's unfortunatly, have a HPS but no ballast or funds, its on its 4th node.
  17. halfbaked04

    Veg period length

    I have a mostly indica plant thats 2 weeks into veg and has set of 5 growing in (3in-5in tall). I was wondering how much is a safe ammount of a length of time to let this veg before I can set my timer to 12/12 and induce flowering?
  18. halfbaked04

    Jack Herer

    yah thats actually what I bought sensi. couldn't find original jh
  19. halfbaked04

    Jack Herer

    Anyone ever grown JH before? Any comments, problems? Just bought 10 for like $175 so I'd like to do these right. Hows the smoke too?
  20. halfbaked04

    Ever grown White Rhino? Need harvest advice

    I also just got done harvesting a white rhino. Thats weird that you say these things because mine were very frosty and had a potent smell. What kinda lighting do you have it on. If it gets poor light that could affect tric production and yeild. How dense are the buds? and if you could post...