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  1. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    dont bother with this guy anymore freedom .. hes obviously undereducated, misinformed, and believes everything he is told. he has the same washed up answers, responds with name calling,and misinformed accusations, petty,, hes happy being a little robotic sheep.. so let him be one
  2. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    slob? and how do you know jumping the gun? typical conservative rhetoric.. kinda like the saddam has weapons of mass destruction line huh. i bet you still believe that line
  3. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    these people want to live in the year 1800 for the next 2000 years. the problem with most conservatives is that they are such blind followers they will get ass raped for gasoline, frauded into going to war, and they will still sniff the behinds of their lying leaders. then they call anyone...
  4. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    "naturally The Common People Dont Want War, But After All It Is The Leaders Of A Country That Determine The Policy. Its Always A Simple Matter To Drag People Along Whether Its A Democracy, A Facist Dictatorship, A Parlament Or A Communist Regime. Voice...
  5. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    u probably voted for bush twice didnt you? if u did that explains enough about you to make anything you say one sided biased and irrelevant to this conversation. how did it feel to be completely duped and pay 100 to 200% more for the same products we use today.
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    NWO Takin' Shape?

    funny i just mowed the yard>
  7. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    god? whos god? your man made falsified scam of a god which we have been forcefed to believe our whole lives with the threat of eternal damnation. screw your god.
  8. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    we are able to make small minute choices. conservatives always fail to see the bigger picture. thats why our country is in shambles.. conservatives. its funny how prior to the year 2000 this country was a strong great country. then when conservatives came in.. down the hill we went see if u can...
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    NWO Takin' Shape?

    no bitching here i love how people are blind to the truth and let their govt walk all over them
  10. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    not used as a medium to control others but the biggest and fastest form of spreading lies and propaganda. it is uncensored that what makes us lured to it even more. theres so much crap on the internet you dont know what to believe. the internet is still a huge medium for propaganda.. the biggest...
  11. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    im starting believe less and less in voting over the years. the last time i felt like my vote even counted a shred was 1996. it seems like america prior to the new millenium was a much different place. we used to stand for something. now we fall for a value meal. i started to notice after y2k...
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    not huge on hardcore but i do love some biohazard. urban discipline was a great album. i can still listen to it regularly
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    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    nice article.. i wonder how many christians have trashed this by now?
  14. B..

    new here

    Hey everyone. I just signed up today. a friend of mine is a member here. He told me about this it seemed like a cool site so i registered. Just wanted to say whats up to the board. Not a big grower yet. i been experimenting with growing fruits veggies and flowers at the moment,
  15. B..

    Pumpkins, Anyone?

    i planted some pumpkins a couple weeks ago. im new to gardening just experimenting with it now.
  16. B..

    New Here

    hey im on the northeaster seabord delaware area. whens the latest i should start i threw some seeds in the ground the other day