Search results

  1. B..

    Can Men and Women be only friends.

    men and women can be friends most of my good friends are female, some i have slept with, some i havent , some i sleep with on and off. its all on how mature you keep the relationship. i have had sex with numerous of my good girlfriends and we keep it as a friendship relationship so even when we...
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    any cormega fans up in here? new album hopefully sooner than later.
  3. B..

    I'm voting for McCain....

    ^yeah hes been our senator in DE as long as ive lived here i like biden,
  4. B..

    Left/Right Brain Test

    i think it depends on how you focus on it. i was starin hard at it and it would spin 1 way when i didnt fucus on it so much it spun another way
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    presidential poll

    thats a good saying !^
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    i hate vista with a passion. i have xp still on my comp but everyone else in the house has vista, i refuse to upgrade
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    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    thats a rumor around here i never heard it b4 movin to delaware. i lived in fl and ny too and never heard of it there
  8. B..

    Single Forever???

    you would be surprised on how fast things do a turn around. i was single for seven years. i had all but lost all hope and even said fuck it im gonna be single forever, now im with someone who probably gonna wind up my wife
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    In the making:homelessness

    it should be illegal to hold anyone in a mental hospital against their will.
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    How to survive prison?

    i saw a guy get doused with 190 for callin a cripple guy a cripple.. u just gotta watch what u say period
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    Best Game While Stoned!

    i love gta 4.. there was really no reason to go underwater in san andreas besides gettin oysters.. you can turn the dates off theres an option. niko speeds up later in the game.. he was mad slow at first but he gets faster.. i blown up numerous cars through the gas tank
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    Rant about jobs and weed

    how many hours you work a week. i was going to apply there part time for some extra $ while i finish school
  13. B..

    Rant about jobs and weed

    i dont see how anyone has the patience to NOT work. i quit my job like a month ago to go back to school. i was gonna take a longer break but its too much.. sittiin around not doin shit is a waste of life. its boring as can be.. i have been doin odd jobs with my neighbor just to work. i want to...
  14. B..

    traffic tickets

    plead not guilty to it see what you can get.. the cop may not even show.. ive done it a few times and walked away.. i got pulled in NJ doin 100mph on the turnpike. i was dead guilty. i plead not guilty and fought it and got 69 in a 55. just because the cop fucked up writing the ticket.. got two...
  15. B..

    Best Game While Stoned!

    grand theft auto.. command and conquer and DR mario
  16. B..

    Life & Death???

    it does describe them better but in the end experience and ascension are also words like life or death. call them what you want they are still pertaining to the same thing . one may describe it better than the other but they still refer to the same things
  17. B..

    How to survive prison?

    unless youve done something completely crazy you are not going to the butt rape center. most prisons are filled with a gang of people who basically fucked up. yeah theres fights and u gotta watch yaself, you definitely can get stabbed and doused with boiling water. but the rape thing only...
  18. B..

    Mom Ripped Sunflowers Out The Ground.

    yeah so my sunflowers were just about ready to bloom, my mom walks by and yanks them out the ground because she thought they were weeds. they were sittin on the lawn overnight. i picked them up and replanted them in two pots. they look pretty bad right now, there were roots left but u can tell...
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    NWO Takin' Shape?

    U suck hairy testicles.
  20. B..

    NWO Takin' Shape?

    please keep on making dumb accusations proving your narrow mindedness even more, because thats obviosly the only thing your small mind can do is resort to pee wee hermanesque lines. my house is probably ALOT cleaner than yours