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  1. jstone420

    My grow room is way to dry???

    Thanks for the help guys!!! :) I went and bought a humidifier from the local thrift store for 3$ and it seems to be working. I'm in the veg state and its around 50% I thought you wanted the grow room to be humid(75%) am I wrong???
  2. jstone420

    My grow room is way to dry???

    Hey guys my grow room is way to dry. Is it ok to put a humidifier in there? Any suggestions would help. I'm growing in a closet with a 400 watt hps, ventilation is great, temp is around 82 its just really dry in there.
  3. jstone420

    Please Help!!! Think my plants are dying. Have pics

    Cool, that works perfect. My walls are already white. I'm going to take it down now :) The plants look like they are doing a little better. I think I may have fried the roots a bit by leaving that damn heating pad on to long. Anything I can do to help the roots or should I just keep giving them...
  4. jstone420

    Please Help!!! Think my plants are dying. Have pics

    Is mylar needed or can I get away with white walls?
  5. jstone420

    Please Help!!! Think my plants are dying. Have pics

    I have a 400 watt hps light system that I can put them under. My understanding is I should wait until they are about 3 weeks old before I do that though. I think I will invest in some mylar today. Whats wrong with the foil, doesn't it serve the same purpose?
  6. jstone420

    Please Help!!! Think my plants are dying. Have pics

    Sorry I forgot to mention I have a 6 inch fan constantly blowing on them.
  7. jstone420

    Please Help!!! Think my plants are dying. Have pics

    Hey guys I have 12 seedlings that I have been growing for 13 days now. They were doing great until 2 days ago when I noticed some of the big leaves were starting to droop really bad and the smaller leaves are starting to turn yellow. This morning I noticed one of them had small brown spots. This...
  8. jstone420

    Is Humidity good or bad for germinating seeds?

    I agree with freethoughts. I just germinated 8 seeds and had 100% germination in 2 days. I folded 2 paper towels in half and put them on a plate, I layed the seeds on the towels then covered the seeds with 2 more folded paper towels. Dampen the paper towels with water(do not soak them, no...
  9. jstone420

    Should I re plant my seedlings yet?

    Hey guys, I noticed a couple of the big leaves are starting to droop down. Any reason why this may be happening. If you look in the pics you can kind of see it. Do my plants look normal and healthy? This is my first time so I have no clue what they should look like.
  10. jstone420

    Should I re plant my seedlings yet?

    Hey guys, I am a first time grower and I had a couple questions. I started with 13 seeds. I germinated 8 using the paper towel method and planted 5 in jiffy pots. All of my seeds germinated so I planted those in jiffy pots as well. I have been running 3 seperate 100 watt cfl daylight bulbs on...