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  1. Ganja Boy 420

    Trouble with Seeds In Soil That Haven't Sprouted. Humidity? Temp?

    I soaked the seeds for 36 hours and didn't see a taproot on any of the three seeds. All three seeds did sink to the bottom of the shot glass. If I planted too early then does that mean none of the seeds will sprout?
  2. Ganja Boy 420

    Trouble with Seeds In Soil That Haven't Sprouted. Humidity? Temp?

    Hello I have three seeds in solo cups under light and they haven’t showed signs of sprouting whatsoever. They have been under the light 24/7 for about 3 days. I fully watered all cups before planting the seeds but it seems like the top layer of soil in all three cups have become very dry and I...
  3. Ganja Boy 420

    Shot Glass Germination Problems

    Should I water the soil a day or two before I drop the seed in? And after I drop the seed in and the top soil gets dry should I mist the top soil? Or just let it be?
  4. Ganja Boy 420

    Shot Glass Germination Problems

    Hello I've been germinating my seeds using the shot glass method with distilled water and have been having some issues. I put my first seed in the shot glass and put in complete darkness with the temp being between 75-81 for about two and a half days and no taproot emerged. I decided to put the...
  5. Ganja Boy 420

    Germinated Seed has Sunk

    Hello everyone, I recently began germinating a seed using the shot glass method. I dropped it in the water three days ago and about an hour ago it has sunk to the bottom of the shot glass. I've read that this could be either good or bad. It appears that one side of the seed is becoming swollen...
  6. Ganja Boy 420

    What is the Proper Temperature Range for Germination

    Well I plan on using the shot glass method. Filling up the 3 shot glasses with DISTILLED water and putting a dark cup over them making complete darkness. With the shot glasses being covered that will increase humidity my main concern is the temperature. Its now reading 93 degrees and I fear it...
  7. Ganja Boy 420

    What is the Proper Temperature Range for Germination

    Hello everyone, I am getting ready to germinate 3 seeds I have (Cherry Kush, OGiesel, Girl Scout Cookies) and I was wondering what the proper temperature range is for the most success. I have my temperature gauge in my spot now and its reading 90 degrees with 21% humidity. I've read 90 degrees...
  8. Ganja Boy 420

    Attitude Seed Bank Questions with Money order / Prepaid

    Cmon people just looking for a little guidance :spew: - GB
  9. Ganja Boy 420

    Attitude Seed Bank Questions with Money order / Prepaid

    Hello, Im going to be placing an order with attitude seed-bank within the next few weeks. I am not going to be using a credit card so I'm either going the prepaid card or international money order route. I know you have to look at the back of the card as to whether its usable outside the United...
  10. Ganja Boy 420

    Length of Darkness Period Before Harvest Date

    Hello all, I was wondering if its necessary to have the full darkness period before you harvest? And if so how long should the darkness period be? And what is the purpose of it? And how does it effect the plants overall potency? I know its alot of questions but im looking to do any last minute...
  11. Ganja Boy 420

    CFL Wattage Clarification and Efficiency

    I Currently have 3 CFLs on my bagseed grow as of now. I am growing a single plant that has about two to three weeks left in flowering. I've been using 3 13W 2700K CFL Bulbs surrounding the plant with one 6500K Blue bulb suspended above the plant. Im thinking about adding 2 42 W 2700K CFL bulbs...
  12. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date

    Hello everyone. I have taken some pictures and would like some feedback. I have no nutes or anything to feed it and I used Miracle Gro like a schmuck. I have a loupe and when i look at the trichs it seems like they are just beginning to turn a little cloudy. How many more weeks do you guys...
  13. Ganja Boy 420

    Is It Necessary to Flush Before Harvest?

    Im about to cut her down and harvest in about a week and a half or so and was debating whether flushing is worth the time and effort. And if it is, what does it do and how long should I do it for? Any advice appreciated because im not afraid to admit im a noob
  14. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date and Technique for First Grow

    I also heard its hard to focus in on the actual plant because the plant is moving so you have to take a piece off and view it in front of a white sheet of paper? Idk if these are true because the internet says many things which arent true
  15. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date and Technique for First Grow

    Is a jewlers loupe really a necessity in determing the harvest date? if it is ill get one I was just wondering how necessary it is
  16. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date and Technique for First Grow

    Well it was kinda a half ass grow.. Had it outdoors for points and indoors for others. Right now im using three 2700K CFLs and one grow light i got from a hardware store. Have constant moving air and humidity rarely gets above 60%. Grew it in Miracle Gro which is a noobie mistake but i didnt...
  17. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date

    Here are some pics for you guys maybe they will help. Let me know what you guys think...
  18. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date and Technique for First Grow

    I need help determining when to harvest my plant. its about its fourth fifth week into flowering and the hairs are beginning to turn amber colored. I only have a Sherlock Holmes style magnifying glass but it looks like the thc is becoming cloudy. The flowers aren't very big but I did get the...