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  1. Ganja Boy 420

    Taproot is Out After Soaking. Is Moving to Paper Towels Necessary?

    Also, plant with taproot facing down into the bottom of the pot correct?
  2. Ganja Boy 420

    Taproot is Out After Soaking. Is Moving to Paper Towels Necessary?

    Even tho the taproot isnt very big I should just plant directly into soil?
  3. Ganja Boy 420

    Taproot is Out After Soaking. Is Moving to Paper Towels Necessary?

    Hello, My question is pretty much what the thread title is. I soaked my seed in distilled water for about 36 hours and the taproot has emerged from the seed. Since the taproot is exposed, do I need to transfer seed to paper towels for a few days? Or plant directly into soil under 24 hour light...
  4. Ganja Boy 420

    Germination Temperature and Soil Questions

    Hello all, I have just received my seeds from Herbies which had absolutely stellar shipping. I got 10 feminized Lemon Kush seeds from Female Seeds. I plan on using the SHOT GLASS method for germination and using DISTILLED water throughout. What is the best temperature for the shot glass to be...
  5. Ganja Boy 420

    Germination Temperature and Soil Questions

    Hello all, I have just received my seeds from Herbies which had absolutely stellar shipping. I got 10 feminized Lemon Kush seeds from Female Seeds. I plan on using the SHOT GLASS method for germination and using DISTILLED water throughout. What is the best temperature for the shot glass to be...
  6. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    Hate to bug you again but was that Western Union Money Order you sent just a standard money order or an international money order?
  7. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    And has anyone ever got Female indoor mix from herbies? Worth the money?
  8. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    Anybody ever grow gear from Strain Hunters? Ive heard mixed reviews about them and Im no trying to waste money on shit seeds. Looking into the Strain Hunters Money Maker
  9. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    And they send a confirmation email once they receive the order payment?
  10. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    Thats some fire you got going there. What was your germination method?
  11. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    Do you type in the prepaid debit card number just like you would a credit card when paying for your order?
  12. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    Did you get a confirmation email from herbies once your money order arrived? How did you know when they received it?
  13. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    I was looking into using a prepaid credit card but I had trouble figuring out which ones could be used internationally. Do you remember which brand you used? Visa? And if a gift card is used do you type it in like a credit card number when paying for your order on the website?
  14. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    Well its my only option other than cash so I gotta work with a money order. Any experience with there gear? Any suggestions on strains?
  15. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    haha unfortunately thats not an option for me. So instead of sending cash I was thinking about sending a WU money order
  16. Ganja Boy 420

    A Few Questions About Herbies

    Hello I have never ordered from herbies before and I’m going to be placing an order with them in the next few days. I have a few questions for people who have ordered from them before. How did you send the money to herbies? I plan on using a western union money order so the question is did...
  17. Ganja Boy 420

    Trouble with Seeds In Soil That Haven't Sprouted. Humidity? Temp?

    is 84 degrees F a little hot for seeds trying to sprout?
  18. Ganja Boy 420

    Trouble with Seeds In Soil That Haven't Sprouted. Humidity? Temp?

    Ok. so your saying dig them up and put into moist paper towel at the temperature above for two or three days then replant? Or give it about ten days and if no sign of growth then dig up?
  19. Ganja Boy 420

    Trouble with Seeds In Soil That Haven't Sprouted. Humidity? Temp?

    Anyone else have problems with seeds in Fox Farm Ocean Forest? Should I switch to Light Warrior on my next round of seeds?
  20. Ganja Boy 420

    Trouble with Seeds In Soil That Haven't Sprouted. Humidity? Temp?

    If the ten days are up with no sprout should I dig up the seed and force crack?