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  1. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date

    Im kinda new to this whole grow thing and I need a little advice on when to harvest. I would say approximately 80% of the hairs on the plant are amber colored and it seems like the leafs are beginning to droop and turn yellow. Ive heard that this usually happens when you are a day or two from...
  2. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help with the Final Weeks of my First Plant

    With the necrosis spot.. should I remove it? Or just let it be? Also what humidity should the plant be at during day and night cycles?
  3. Ganja Boy 420

    Looking for advice on these last weeks with my first plant!

    I used Miracle Gro soil which I found out is a major mistake. I was watering it every day then cut it down to once every week and a half. I have never added nutes to it at all throughout the plant's entire life. Do you think I should give it nutes or just let it run its course? Any other...
  4. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help with the Final Weeks of my First Plant

    Well I used miracle gro like an idiot and people have said that they've had nutrient issues with it. I've never given it any nutes since i've had it, just the nutes that the soil provides. I arrived at the N toxicity by looking it up on the internet and using process of elimination. I also...
  5. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help with the Final Weeks of my First Plant

    Hello, This is my first grow and I was looking for people to give me advice on making my plant get back to full health. She's flowering and buds are clearly showing, I believe she's about two weeks in. I think she has nitrogen toxicity and i've tried to help that by flushing it out with about...
  6. Ganja Boy 420

    Looking for advice on these last weeks with my first plant!

    Hello, This is my first grow and I was looking for people to give me advice on making my plant get back to full health. She's flowering and buds are clearly showing, I believe she's about two weeks in. I think she has nitrogen toxicity and i've tried to help that by flushing it out with about...
  7. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Identifying Problem with Plant!!

    So flush and let sit and see what happens? I have holes in the bottom of the pot
  8. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Identifying Problem with Plant!!

    If I flush and the soil level gets low in the pot, should I add more? Or just let it be?
  9. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Identifying Problem with Plant!!

    So your saying I should totally flush the plant with 10-12 gallons and then water every six days or so after that? And I have no way of measuring PH balance of the soil so.
  10. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Identifying Problem with Plant!!

    Yes I am using miracle gro since it was the easiest route for me to take. Using "MiracleGro Potting Mix" to be exact. Looks like it says .21% Nitrogen (N), .07% Phosphate and .14% Soluable potash. Also has .10% Iron. Also have been watering every day if not every other day. Hope this helps...
  11. Ganja Boy 420

    Need Help Identifying Problem with Plant!!

    Hello all, I'm currently growing from a seed that I got in a good stash a while ago. This is my first grow so I'm a little new to all this stuff and I was wondering what is going on with my plant. I believe it is a nitrogen deficiency but i'm really not quite sure. Could also be overwatering...
  12. Ganja Boy 420

    Are Caligrow kits legit???

    I was wondering how good the quality of the caligrow kit really is. Im growing hydroponically and indoors as well. Pros and cons would be great or any previous user responses. Smoke easy gents
  13. Ganja Boy 420

    Are Caligrow kits legit???

    I was wondering how good the quality of the caligrow kit really is. Im growing hydroponically and indoors as well. Pros and cons would be great or any previous user responses. smoke easy gents
  14. Ganja Boy 420

    Iladelph bubbler and bong.... neeed advice

    Im planning on getting a iladelph bubbler... do u think it is worth it or is it a little overkill???? how much money should i drop on a nice bubbler???? and is a iladelph one of the best bong companies out there?? any post would be apreciated...:weed:
  15. Ganja Boy 420


    Hey everyone, Im getting a bubbler soon and i dont know if i should get a double chamber sherlock or just a single chamber. Does the second chamber really make a difference????
  16. Ganja Boy 420

    I need advice BADLY!!!

    I was thunkin about getting a bubbler with two water chambers... does the second chamber really make a difference or should i just stick with a single water chamber????
  17. Ganja Boy 420

    Help!!!! Im gettin a bubbler

    so u guys dont really recommend bubblers?
  18. Ganja Boy 420

    Help!!!! Im gettin a bubbler

    So in urnopinion are bubblers really worth it? I heard they get u really fucked up. Is it true?
  19. Ganja Boy 420

    Help!!!! Im gettin a bubbler

    I was planing on getting a double water chamber bubbler. Do u think that's overkill? Is the second chamber really necessary?
  20. Ganja Boy 420

    Help!!!! Im gettin a bubbler

    Ya. Are sherlock bubblers the best type of bubblers? Or is there a betterbtype of bubbler? Also....what type of bubbler did u buy?