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  1. J

    possible potassium problem

    Ok so i bought a pH and nutrient kit to test my soil. Ph around 7, good amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, but the potassium test says its really high. The color of water is supposed to turn a grayish black if medium amount of potassium. Mine is a milky white gray which would indicate high...
  2. J

    2 leaves?

    Hi guys had my first seed break soil 2 days ago. Unlike everyone elses sprouting pictures their plant has 4 leaves, mine only has the 2. why is this?
  3. J

    my first sprout

    Yeah but Im a bit worried that it may not be a pot sprout because im looking at everyone elses sprouts and they have 4 leaves, mine has this normal?
  4. J

    my first sprout

    one question though? how long before you start to see the typical marijuana looking like leaves?
  5. J

    my first sprout

    take a look :) let me know what you think.
  6. J

    seed site suggestions

    I would buy from Nirvana. Dont think there are no seeds thought the packaging is very secretive and discrete, youll figure it out :o)
  7. J

    watering the plant

    yes i germinated them before
  8. J

    watering the plant

    So I just planted a few seeds in plastic solo cups. Its been a week and I see no activity above the soil, so I was impatient and moved a little dirt away to see. Most of the seeds have the white sprouting thing growing from where the seeds where cracked. Why do you think its taking so long to...
  9. J

    marijuana withdrawals?

    I wish it was psychological but i have this uncomfortable feeling right in the middle of my chest.
  10. J

    marijuana withdrawals?

    Hi I have been a chronic user of marijuana for about 1 year. I had to stop yesterday because I have to take a drug test in a month, ugh! I feel terrible, rapid heart beat, nauseous, stomach ache, and an overall feeling of being sick? Is there anyway to get around the drug test and could my...
  11. J

    how to plant seeds? please help

    I have been reading conflicting things on how to plant the seeds once they sprout...some say with the roots and sprouts up, some say down, then some say pointy side up, does it really matter and if so whats the correct way? Thanks
  12. J

    question about a seed

    So i soaked this seed in a cup of water for 24 hours and it sank to bottom and cracked a little. I planted it and for about a week, nothing, it did not break the surface of the soil (and it was not deep at all). So looked at the seed and it looked the same, i put it back in a cup of water for 24...
  13. J

    help with lighitng/heat

    so i cant use the same bulbs once the plant starts flowering? im new at this, not sure what 2700 k vs 6500 k means
  14. J

    help with lighitng/heat

    damn, I just found the bulbs i am using and they are incadescent, check out this link its my bulbs, see if these will work, I bought it because it had blue spectrum and says works well for plants...
  15. J

    help with lighitng/heat

    im almost positive they are flourescent bulbs. When i looked at the seeds they look the same as when they sank to the bottom of the water cup 3 days ago, they are split but nothing more, i see a little bit of what looks like a hair coming out. so will those lights work? Im not sure what kind...
  16. J

    help with lighitng/heat

    pics attached
  17. J

    help with lighitng/heat

    The seeds are very shallow under the dirt so that should be a problem. Ill post pictures of my setup and lights i use so please tell me if you see something wrong. I do not have much space so I am working with the best environment I can.