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  1. T

    Dying plant - can she be harvested?

    For starters, I've included pics of two bud sites at the bottom of this post. What had and is currently going on is the following: I had started discussing this, my first grow, in another thread (, and then also found...
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    Root rot shock or overwatering?

    Just wondering: is it possible that due to enough root rot a plants' roots could become infected beyond a point of no return? Mainly asking because I have been battling root rot with h2o2/Hygrozyme in ph'd water with no nutes (flushed like that for 5 days straight), but now my fan leaves are all...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Just wondering: is it possible that due to enough root rot a plants roots could become infected beyond a point of no return? Mainly asking because I have been battling with root rot with h2o2/Hygrozyme in ph'd water with no nutes (flushed like that for 5 days straight), but now my fan leaves are...
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    Root rot during flowering - Will she survive?

    Well, she's still drooping, but I'm hoping that it's just due to overwatering since I've flushed/changed the res consecutively for the past 5 days (last night finally adding half strength nutes). I'm concerned that if the leaves drooping are not due to overwatering then maybe the root rot...
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    Root rot during flowering - Will she survive?

    Thanks for the input. I'll light proof the hydrotron rocks as well to see if that helps. More dead roots pulled off today and I've noticed that underneath the net cups a white foam is appearing. I'll be flushing and changing out the res again tonight, so I'll try and get pics of different areas...
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    Root rot during flowering - Will she survive?

    Bumping in hopes that someone can offer their opinion. I could also post a pic of the root rot entangling the hydrotron rocks around the main stem base if requested (could take during next flush).
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    Root rot during flowering - Will she survive?

    For starters, I've included pics of two bud sites at the bottom of this post. What had and is currently going on is the following: I had started discussing this, my first grow, in another thread (, and then also found...
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    Orange pistils?

    The pH testing kit looks like it's saying the nutrient solution is between 4 and 5 (a light orange tint on this color sheet). Well, that's a shame. It's my first grow and at the time I was looking for seeds, I had no idea where to look. It was somewhere around 12 seeds for $30. Now I have no...
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    Orange pistils?

    Okay, I tested the pH levels and it's coming up a bit acidic. This tester says I need to add diluted potassium hydroxide. I got the seeds from (link to their "white widow" -
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    Orange pistils?

    So, my white widow has been flowering for a little while now (switched from veg to flowering a bit late, so she's huge) and this is from a few days ago: Now, 3 days later, the rest of the plant looks just like that... except this one spot: I know it's hard to see in this picture, since...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    It hasn't been flowering for too long, but I'm just curious if you might have an idea how much longer it may have.
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    2 plants - male or female?

    Just want to double check that this is a male before i chop it down.
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    2 plants - male or female?

    Can the male be used for anything in it's current form after being cut down? Besides attempting to impregnate my female of course :P
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    2 plants - male or female?

    I'm pretty sure the first one is male, but I'm curious if the 2nd is female and if she'll be alright if I remove the male. 1st: 2nd: Thanks for help in advance.
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Hiya! Just looking for a little input on my first grow. I've got all the beginning pics/info in my thread here: New pics and whatnot towards the bottom. Figured I'd ask you since I don't seem to be getting too many...
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    First Grow - Looking for Input

    Finally moved my larger dresser out of the way and put my plants on a smaller one. Much less heat pounding into the tops now; only thing I'm afraid of is the bottom areas not getting enough exposure to the light. From what I've heard, white widow takes quite a while from beginning flowering...
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    First Grow - Looking for Input

    I definitely need to do some LST if I plan to grow white widow again...or I guess whatever I grow next I should try it out. They just keep getting taller, soon I'm going to have to move them to the floor or a small table and change the lights. Is there a trick, besides using LST, to ensure the...
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    First Grow - Looking for Input

    Nevermind, I'm retarded. You're talking about low stress training? Going to scour the forums to see if there are any tips on this; from the sound of it, I couldn't see it hurting. Thanks :)
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    First Grow - Looking for Input

    What's that?
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    First Grow - Looking for Input

    Thanks :) When you say not to expect a large yield, is it because that's just how white widow is, or because I only have two plants currently? I'm hoping, once these two are harvested, to start 6 new ones and keep their height down this time...stopping veg state a little sooner. Also, when is...