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  1. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Yeah, I definitely have thought about it. Again, the reason we haven't gone to find something is because we really have no money to work with. I'm sure we could pick something up between 30-100 dollars, but even that's outside of our range. Maybe I should give in and just get a part time job. ;(...
  2. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    She's coming to the end of day three of flowering. I would take some pics to show you, but I just got back from the hospital (had my appendix removed last night.) I'll post some new pictures tomorrow. She's looking great, though. :joint:
  3. cho0b

    How to fly high???

    if you're a chick, put it in a small containter and put it in your vagina. that's what my girl does ;) and we've never been caught. don't be paranoid. the last three times i've been through the airports they haven't asked me to remove my socks, just my shoes. i guess it's possible that they...
  4. cho0b


    Good question... asked in a very confusing way. Answer: I dunno. p.s. two of those images aren't linked properly. You'll want to upload them just like you did the third.
  5. cho0b

    Whats the worst that's ever happened??

    The only thing i've seen is customs sent a letter to the person it was supposed to ship to saying "You won't be getting this package." That's the whole letter summed up, pretty much. I'm sure there's been worse cases, but it doesn't help to let your mind wander to every possibility.
  6. cho0b

    good mexican weed starin grow

    Cool. Do you have any plans for how you will be transplanting them outside? You will want to dig a decent sized hole and then put a mix of your choice of soil and other stuff (vermiculite, perlite, etc.) You don't want to rely solely on the natural soil.
  7. cho0b

    My very first grow/CFL grow

    I think droopiness is caused by lack of water. When they curl upwards it is too much water. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.
  8. cho0b

    good mexican weed starin grow

    That soil looks pretty Mexican to me. *rim shot*
  9. cho0b

    My very first grow/CFL grow

    Got any wind blowing on them? The stems will really appreciate some air flow. And I agree with the other guys; you should go to a store that carries wrapping paper and find mylar wrapping paper. It's very cheap and very reflective. Perhaps you could find a cardboard box and fashion it around...
  10. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Thanks, it's good to hear that. :hump:
  11. cho0b

    good mexican weed starin grow

    How long do you plan on growing them inside before you take them out?
  12. cho0b

    My very first grow/CFL grow

    ...Judging from this image, they look about a 5-6 inches away from the tops of the plants. Have you moved them down since then? You can tell that they are too far away because your plants are stretching so much. Just look at the plant on the far left of the picture. The plants look good, I'm...
  13. cho0b

    My very first grow/CFL grow

    I think you should move the lights even a bit closer to the top of the plants than they are now. Maybe 2-4 inches max from the top of the plants to the bottom of the lights. With CFLs a good rule of thumb is if you can put your hand between the light and your plant and your hand doesn't get...
  14. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    "She's" smelling delicious and growing well. Since we had a problem with the original soil within the first couple weeks it grew slowly. So, it has plenty of nodes and leaves, but it's not very tall. I've been purposely placing the CFLs a bit higher than usual above the plant so it grows...
  15. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Thanks man. I'll think about it for a while. The main reason I am thinking about flowering that early is because our grow area is pretty limited. I thought that I was going to have something larger to move it into, but that fell through. I have an armoire over my fathers house that I was gonna...
  16. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Things are still going well for our last living child. Attached to this post are three fresh (shitty webcam) pics of her. Er.. I hope it's a her. Only time will tell, aye? As you can see, there are plenty of new leaves starting to grow off the already established nodes. The lower leaves don't...
  17. cho0b

    EXTREMLY Newbie question...

    Everyone that's growing (in America) is doing something illegal. I wonder if everyones parents would even approve of them growing outside of the house.. Point is.. we all make our own choices, and not all of them are exactly the wisest ones.
  18. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    It's been a sad ten or so days for plant B. You can see her in the first image. Should I just give up on 'er? :cry: She's had no growth whatsoever since we moved them to larger pots (about 10-12 days ago,) and before we did we suspected root rot (not to mention poor soil airation.) As for...
  19. cho0b

    Killing the Plant??

    killing your plant means it's dead by your own hands. it can happen for many reasons, but it takes a lot to kill a weed.
  20. cho0b

    Which lights and how many....

    lol, that was stupid. he wanted to get you guys angry and you did. congrats to everyone. :roll: To the original poster: Get yourself some compact flourescents (CFLs.) You can find them at your local hardware store. You'll want to grab ones that are ~45-50 watts. And make sure they're actually...