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  1. cho0b

    Are Ferts & Nutes Necessary?

    I'm pretty sure that it's a bad idea to use any nutes that early in the process. Definitely not that high of a concentration, at least.
  2. cho0b

    Miracle Gro Potting Mix

    Miracle Gro makes organic soil too! This soil has been treating our babies well. :hug:
  3. cho0b

    Zinc Deficiency?

    one of mine started out like that... after transplanting it's taken a turn for the worse. probably for different reasons then yours i'm sure. :cry:
  4. cho0b

    How good

    I'm pretty sure that everything on that website is just a bunch of bs. Don't worry man. :joint:
  5. cho0b

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    if a post gets stickied then it stays at the top of the post list. that way everyone can see it. this is done to posts that contain useful information that benefits everyone.
  6. cho0b

    Uh oh... help!

    I don't think it could be a problem with the lights. We are using four 13watt CFLs at the moment. Two right above the two plants, one light on the left, and one on the right side of the two plants. We will be moving them (maybe even tonight) to larger gallon pots with better soil for the roots...
  7. cho0b

    Uh oh... help!

    They are on 18/6 right now. They are two weeks and two days old. I'll give them some more water and spray the leaves in a bit.
  8. cho0b

    Uh oh... help!

    I do not know the pH of the water or the soil. The soil doesn't seem to be allowing the water to flow through to the bottom very well. The leaves on this plant just started turning yellow a few days ago. There is also a bit of brown showing in one side. Yesterday one of the leaves was so dry...
  9. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    I guess that makes sense. Sexing the plant early would only be a good idea if you're really concerned about it.
  10. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    yeah, but can't you just switch them back into 18/6 to grow more before budding starts?
  11. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Thanks ablazed_blunt. :blsmoke:
  12. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    We've been house sitting for my grandparents this week so the babies have been waking up a half hour late here and there. We end up getting really baked and forget to come home to turn on the lights. We really need a timer. Anyone know where we can get one for cheap? The first three images are...
  13. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    First two pics are of plant a and the last two are of plant b. Some of plant b's leaves started to turn slightly red/brownish where they met the stem but they seem to have returned to mostly green this morning. :mrgreen: Any idea what could have caused that? Over/under watering? Heat?
  14. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Should I poke the holes in the top or from the holes in the bottom of the pots?
  15. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Yesterday we bought the miracle grow organic soil mix you see in the images i have attached. We also bought perlite. And a couple larger pots for when they need transported. Does this soil seem like a decent choice? The soil we started them with is a lot different, will that be a problem? I'm...
  16. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Thanks a lot man. I will read through all of this and make the reflector later on (when i'm sober.) Totally trashed right now... fkn stoned too. Just wanted to get my grow journal started. DSVzsvbbeetfdbfdbfdbvdfbfds:spew:
  17. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    How are my babies lookin'? We just added more soil to their pots yesterday because I noticed their roots were starting to spread outwards at the bottom of their 'pots.' They should have enough soil to last until we get larger pots and more soil for them. My girl mixed some bone meal into the...
  18. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    First three images are plant A. The last two are plant B. Is the drooping of the two big leaves normal? Am I under watering them? I found a bag of bone meal in my garage! Has anyone used bone meal in their soil/with their chronic?
  19. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    Just adding some new images to the thread to keep it alive. The first two pictures are plant A and the last two are plant B. Maybe we should start a grow journal or something.. I wish we had a working digital camera, these webcam images blow. I've been thinking about getting nutrients ready for...
  20. cho0b

    Two Commersh Plants w/CFLs

    NOTE: THE FIRST FEW POSTS IN THIS JOURNAL ARE JUST COPIES OF PREVIOUS POSTS I HAVE MADE IN "Newbie Central" and "Indoor Growing." We're working with a very tight budget and this is our first time growing cannibis. I've learned most of what I know from lurking the forums here and watching a...