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  1. polo the don

    coming off 100mcg fentalyn patches

    I would seek the help of a dr. Maybe consider methadone or suboxone?
  2. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

  3. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

    That is too damn cool.
  4. polo the don

    What's all the hype with LEDs?

    I don't use LEDs, I use HIDs (a lot of them), but am very intrested in switching to LEDs (or CMH) after the beginning of the year. The reason for me is that I live in the Deep South and it gets pretty fucking hot here. The thing that I'm looking at is the light to heat ratio.
  5. polo the don

    Finding Drugs, any good stories?

    I found 4 grams of some mids at the DMV last week.
  6. polo the don

    GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

    I use seed finder but it's like your talking about, kinda generic. Other than that I look at grow journals. I like to see what someone's experience with a strain is more than I like a breeders description.
  7. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

    I'm sure he don't like it as much as I do.
  8. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

    We all have the same avitar designer, lol. Ditto
  9. polo the don

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    @vostok give this guy the link to your auto tips, I can't seem to find it right now. Thanks.
  10. polo the don

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Just a lil advice, get those into the final pot as soon as you can so the roots have somewhere to go. Once the tap root on an auto hits a solid surface that will have a part in determining their size and yield.
  11. polo the don

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Looks like your off to a great start. Good luck, have fun!
  12. polo the don

    GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

    Sure looks good in there. That rent is filling up fast.
  13. polo the don

    Mudballs-living by the timer

    Welcome. It sure is nice when dreams come true isn't it?
  14. polo the don

    GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

    That's what I like to see, experimentation. That's what'll make you a good grower IMO.
  15. polo the don

    PPM Q:

  16. polo the don

    Big boobs and leg spread inside

    High, welcome.
  17. polo the don

    GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

    I've been very fortunate with pests as I've only had spider mites once. I'm really not gonna be much help here but I hope you get it taken care of quickly.
  18. polo the don

    Anyone like Uni brows?
  19. polo the don

    GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

    Damn Ayr0n those plants look really nice. It's interesting to see the week by week changes. I think you should do that throughout the entire life of the plant but I'm sure you have already thought about that. Keep up the good work.
  20. polo the don

    Quick poll. MH/HPS

    MH veg, HPS flower. I'm thinking about putting a 400w MH's between 600w HPS's in my flower room.