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  1. 4ad

    Wind damage!!! Split stem in 4

    I know what you mean!!!..I've prolly wiped half the trics off mine by petting them!!!!..TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!
  2. 4ad

    has anyone tried dog flea and tick shampoo for spider mites?

    I noticed a few on one of my plants and was looking for some liquid soap to spray...came across Hartz flea and tick shampoo in my closet the label lists Pyrethrum as an ingredient!...i mixed up a 1 teaspoon per quart mixture in a spray bottle (very weak) sprayed away!...I'll keep everone...
  3. 4ad

    Wind damage!!! Split stem in 4

    Ditto...I broke a large branch moving mine...just taped it up with surgical tape and tied it to a stick stuck in the ground....been 3 weeks and looks fine!
  4. 4ad

    camo Ideas? (almost busted)

    Good advice thanks...I guess I'd be less paranoid if they were planted in the ground instead of pots...I could always claim they came up naturally if they're among other weeds...
  5. 4ad

    having problems

    I have something similar going on with mine (about 4 weeks into flowering)...from what I've reasearched it looks like a magniesium deficency...but I don't want to throw newts at it this late.
  6. 4ad

    camo Ideas? (almost busted)

    It was unbelievable...first time I didn't have my cell with me for prolly a YEAR!!
  7. 4ad

    camo question (almost busted)

    I guess you're right. They are next to some tomatoes I have growing...I may just let the weeds grow around everything and let everything blend together...Thanks!
  8. 4ad

    camo Ideas? (almost busted)

    Thanks for the advice...I have a small city lot and can only really plant next to the house for adequate sunlight (my neighbor smokes with me and is cool about it)..fugit I think I'll just pull the phone line for the alarm during grow season....judging by the smell in my neighborhood a LOT of...
  9. 4ad

    Do you guys have neighbors?

    There was a MURDER 4 houses up from me a few weeks ago...I live in a halfway decent area with a lot of older houses people are restoring..Some idiot shot his uncle in the head on the front steps....cops EVERYWHERE at night with flashlights looking in backyards...luckily I have a 8' high concrete...
  10. 4ad

    camo Ideas? (almost busted)

    I have a few plants growing in my backyard...last week I was working on my car in the back,heard a noise,looked up, and a COP was walking towards me!!! I met him halfway...he stated that he got an alarm call from my alarm co (I didn't even set the alarm) then said that they get a lot of false...
  11. 4ad

    camo question (almost busted)

    I have a few plants growing in my backyard...last week I was working on my car in the back,heard a noise,looked up, and a COP was walking towards me!!! I met him halfway...he stated that he got an alarm call from my alarm co (I didn't even set the alarm) then said that they get a lot of false...
  12. 4ad

    first grow (1plant)almost busted!..whadayathink?

    This is my first season growing (one plant out of 3 was female)..anyway,I was around the back working on my car when I heard a noise,looked up and saw a cop walking thru my side gate!!!...I met him half way...turns out my house alarm (silent)had somehow triggered without being set!! The one time...