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  1. 4ad

    Can single leaves be cloned?

    ThanKs!....I thought not
  2. 4ad

    Can single leaves be cloned?

    Does anyone know of a technique?...I'd like to take clones from a plant that is WELL into flowering (prolly another week to go) and I "forgot" to do it earlier!!!
  3. 4ad

    Time Travel with a Telescope?

    Just debating theory really...Its impractical as HELL....getting the telescope to the other planet even at the speed of light would take 50 yrs...even if we had a fellow stoner on the other planet to set one would take 50 yrs to communicate with them!!
  4. 4ad

    HPS security/parking lights

    Forget about it...those lights are usually 480v anyway...I had a VERY experienced electrician friend who was killed by one of those a few years ago...he was working on one at dusk just when they came on....had a wife and 2 kids
  5. 4ad

    Air conditioner curing?

    Thanks!...I'll put that in my "Bad Idea" file
  6. 4ad

    Air conditioner curing?

    Has anyone ever hung their bud up in front of a window unit AC to cure?...It seems to me that it would keep temps down while blowing dry air thru them...
  7. 4ad

    Morning vs afternoon sun question....

    Does anyone know which our plants prefer?...I would think morning sun for vegetative growing....then afternoon for budding ,but does it really make a difference as long as it gets 6 hrs or so of light?
  8. 4ad

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    Cocteau Twins (early stuff)....takes you to another land/time...also Nyam Nyam...Dead Can Dance.....The Cure (of course)....and Chameleons UK...
  9. 4ad

    Has Anyone Tried This?

    For a stealth grow outdoors it's prolly not a good idea...a definate "red flag" for the airborne patrol....
  10. 4ad

    Has Anyone Tried This?

    Using that red sheet plastic mulch around their plants?...Its apparently all the rage with tomato's supposed to reflect more of the red spectrum onto the plants increasing yields. I just added some around my outdoor plants (a liitle late with about 2 weeks left to go) I imagine it...
  11. 4ad

    Has anyone tried this?

    Using that red sheet plastic mulch around their plants?...Its apparently all the rage with tomato's supposed to reflect more of the red spectrum onto the plants increasing yields. I just added some around my outdoor plants (a liitle late with about 2 weeks left to go) I imagine it...
  12. 4ad

    Method #2,395 to Immediately Piss Vlad off for the Rest of the Fucking Day

    Yeah I know....doncha hate those fuckers who think they're busier/in more of a hurry than everyone else?
  13. 4ad

    Time Travel with a Telescope?

    just use the moon as a micro example...light takes what...maybe 2 sec to reach us from there...looking thru a telescope at someone walking would see them 2 sec in their past....just extrapolate that out to 50 light years...the physics don't change,just the technology. I think there...
  14. 4ad

    Method #2,395 to Immediately Piss Vlad off for the Rest of the Fucking Day

    Spend as much time looking over the fucking menu board at McDoanlds as you would picking out a life insurance policy. Surely your fast food lunch is a life changing event that requires some serious consideration. People, it's fucking McDoanlds and some of us have things to do. We've all...
  15. 4ad

    Outdoors light problem?

    I had a plant a few yrs ago about 15' horizontal feet and about 30' from bulb to plant from a streetlight which flowered ok....I think outdoor plants get "used" to any night lighting that is could also request that a reflector be put on it (most cities will do this at no charge)...
  16. 4ad

    Time Travel with a Telescope?

    If you look at something across the room all you're REALLY seeing is reflected light anyway!...Hypothetically it will work...but you have to consider that the lense compressing that distance would also "collect" every bit of dust along the way which would probably block any view you had...
  17. 4ad

    Barn storage setup with 400 watt light, scetchy for infa red durring winter?

    I don't think leo is allowed to use infared anymore!...something about the privacy should check the NORML site and also your state laws.
  18. 4ad

    Time Travel with a Telescope?

    Well I guess you would see earth 100 yrs in the past..that would be WILD!
  19. 4ad

    So someones tryin to robb my plants!!

    The damage is already done...they know you're growing so move em...all it takes is for one of those guys to get pissed at you for running them off and BAM...cops at your door
  20. 4ad

    Time Travel with a Telescope?

    I find myself pondering this when I'm really baked....suppose you were looking at another planet...say 50 light years from earth with a VERY powerfull telescope...the laws of physics say you would be seeing what was happening there 50 yrs in its (the planet) past...NOW suppose there is a MIRROR...