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  1. 4ad

    Show your pieces

    I know a girl that has a dick pipe...looks just like a glass dick....none of the guys ever hit it though.
  2. 4ad

    Curing Seeds, What some people don't know.

    try freezing them overnight first...this may help you
  3. 4ad

    Speaker Box Stealth Grow.

    I'd paint the inside white....turn the bulb sideways for more light..up the wattage to at least a 26 watt warm (2700) bulb...and add some type of ventilation (at least some holes on the top and bottom areas...this will allow for some convection type ventilation if you don't want to add a fan.
  4. 4ad

    Funny Acid Trip

    I used to play guitar with a night all of us were tripping on some blotter AND shrooms....we spent at least 4 HOURS trying to tune the fuckin guitars!!! No matter what we did they never sounded in tune...we even had an electronic tuner but even using that it never sounded right..I...
  5. 4ad

    Mouth Wash

    And its always some sketchy little plant growing in a coke can without holes under an incandesent lamp...doomed from day 1
  6. 4ad

    always sunny in philli

    Oh yeah....never miss one...hilarious shit...the "Mcfoils" are a trip...I also like the Sarah Silverman show...she almost acts like shes high all the time
  7. 4ad

    Mouth Wash can't just use the poppy seeds you get from walmart...its a very specific strain....prolly have to get someone from Afganistan to send ya some seeds
  8. 4ad

    FUck im pissed

    Here's a way to make your own!...I haven't tried it yet...planning to next summer International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)
  9. 4ad

    red light out of cfl's

    Yes...on 12/12 before they even sprouted...and by using ONLY seeds, I'll only need one grow box and leave it on 12/12
  10. 4ad

    always sunny in philli

    LOVE IT!!....reminds me of dudes I used to hang with...esp Charlie...Devito is perfect as frank too....the funniest one I think is when they start letting minors in to drink at the bar...second season I think
  11. 4ad

    red light out of cfl's

    Here'a pic of my setup with the red mulch...after it gets going it should give me a good sized bud per week....More than enough
  12. 4ad

    red light out of cfl's

    yeah...all CFLs...I have 5- 23 watters in an area of 32 tall,18dx32wI may add a few flouro tubes towards the end of flowering
  13. 4ad

    Can I use this as a reflector?

    that insulation could make it quite hot inside your box....I'd just use flat white paint
  14. 4ad

    red light out of cfl's

    I think it more for flowering...I've just started using it on my dutch method indoor/cfl grow so its too early to tell
  15. 4ad

    red light out of cfl's

    Go to Lowes (if in the US) and grab some of those red flags they have at the lumber exit for tying on your car...cover the bottom of your grow box with them..I'm trying this for the first time...apparently tomato growers swear by using red plastic mulch to reflect more of the red spectrum onto...
  16. 4ad

    Doing very well with CFL's

    Yes cfls to flower. Also this method forces the plant to choose a sex right away and somehow the seed is "encouraged" to be female (80% success rate)...also since you basically have one bud growing out of each pot,its much easier for light to penetrate to the bud without having to make its way...
  17. 4ad

    Doing very well with CFL's

    I have a similar sized setup as you..what I do is grow by the "dutch" method where you put the plants into 12/12 as soon as they sprout (if using clones,as soon as they are established)...what this does is make each plant around 24" tall and all bud without excess works very well...
  18. 4ad

    Did you plant on Sept.19?

    I just planted 6 sprouts...gonna do it the dutch method and start out with 12/12 right off the bat
  19. 4ad

    Question about seeds

    My take on ordering seeds is ...the feds these days aren't going to waste time and energy searching for and/or prosecuting for small packages of seeds.....(although one guy on this site claims to have recieved a letter inside his order from customs stating they were confiscated)..the only other...
  20. 4ad

    Female Momma
