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  1. K

    Start with 400w then up to 600w?

    Ok i undertand you now point taken, thanks :bigjoint:
  2. K

    Drying my buds in jars....

    So ok roll them gently in the jars seems to be the way then. :-P
  3. K

    Drying my buds in jars....

    Hello guys, When i dry and cure my buds in my jars i like to shake them in the jar to kind of lossen them up from each other then i open the jar for an hour etc. I have since read that the glands are sensitive and could be damaged by me shaking the buds how sensitive are these buds! here...
  4. K

    Start with 400w then up to 600w?

    Yes that's exactly what i mean, i feel using the 400w say for the first two weeks and then swap over to the 600w to complete the flowering i just feel like it's better use of the lights and of course a reduction of any electric bill so maybe it could be good practice.
  5. K

    Start with 400w then up to 600w?

    Hello guys, I was just curious about how affective the first stage of flowering is in relation to light. Basically when you switch to flowering 12/12 and use a 400w HID lamp. After a couple of weeks then maybe upgrade to the 600w as the plants will be more developed...and better able to...
  6. K

    Guess how much in dry weight?? 2 plants,pics

    Looks like a nice bit of green buds very tidy. Always good to see people using the jars and drying them correctly well done.
  7. K

    Clone your plants from topping do you?

    Of all the strains i grown i found supergirl easy,. It's a good smoke if flushed correctly strong and a good yeilder. It finishes quickly as well. I'm running with this for now, i am however going to be starting elephant bud from BC seeds which claims to a big yeiler and high THC at the price...
  8. K

    9th week PPP - Are they ready ? Help please !

    I'm actually growing PPP myself at the moment a few weeks left to go...will put some pics up, 9 weeks should in my experience be enough for PPP but you really need to look at the trichomes to be 100% sure it still is the only true way of knowing if your plants ready...''
  9. K

    Clone your plants from topping do you?

    I've grown many strains mainly from seed which i have also cloned, however of all the plants i found supergirl to be the most rewarding, strong and just a pleasure to grow. These clones are now off just the one strongest plant that is growing of 4 so i've now got my favourite plant taken from an...
  10. K

    Clone your plants from topping do you?

    Yes that's right, well this is the first time i have tried this, If they continue to do ok. Looking at the way they picked up after just a few hours, only done them today, i can't now see any reason why not i will in future use this method. Of the four clones the top of the plant two more...
  11. K

    Clone your plants from topping do you?

    Hello i'm sure i read somewhere that when you top your plants you can use that and clone with? Is that right, i have done this and they look ok to me so far, does anyone else do this any pro or cons....'' i may need to know about it. Seems like a great way you get to top your plant and clone...
  12. K

    6 hours till harvest...:-)

    6 hours until harvest? i was about to go to bed, suppose i better wait up now :roll:
  13. K

    Will dead roots kill or affect my others?

    Guys, i know it's alot of money, ;-) so lets not turn this thread into everybody telling me is alot of money. :eyesmoke: I normally grow Supergirl feminised from Nivana and have had excellent results and at a fraction of the price too. So i know there's loads of good seed banks etc. I just...
  14. K

    Will dead roots kill or affect my others?

    Yes this is them, I will be germinating 5 of the 10 will be looking to sell off the other five.....bongsmilie
  15. K

    Will dead roots kill or affect my others?

    Thank you, i have now purchased this product, Canna Zym Additional Enzymes to help break down the roots. I want these plants to have no stress so i may get a perfect quality female to clone or hopefully 5 if i'm very lucky! If anyone is reading they are the BC seeds Elephant Bud Purple at...
  16. K

    Will dead roots kill or affect my others?

    Hello and thanks for looking in, Let me explain i will be sexing some seeds. I do not want to stress these seeds in any way because i wish to take good quality clones from them. So i will grow them normally in veg and take my chances in flower i will use DUTCH MASTERS REVERSE,STOP...
  17. K

    New classification in the uk

    The UK, Any more than 8 plants that have roots will see you do some prison time :-P And if you are using more than one room to do it in, add some more prison time on...:-P
  18. K

    Sexing my cannabis seeds......advice

    So are you saying you can tell if there male or female? without even putting them on flower?
  19. K

    Sexing my cannabis seeds......advice

    Hello to all looking in, I normally just go with feminised seeds, but this time i have some seeds that will need sexing, Can you sex under a veg light? because this has me a little confused..... EARLY SEXING- Cannabis Marijuana seeds Growing Guide It is possible to tell the sex of a...
  20. K

    BC Seeds Upstate largest yeild?????

    I see this strain from BC Seeds which is interesting. Now myself i grow supergirl which as far as i'm concerned is a fantastic yeilder. But i can't find any info or anyone who has or is growing this Upstate? Has anyone on here got any info on this strain or BC seeds themselves. The kind of...