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  1. K

    Upgrading to a 600w the benefits?????

    Ok sorry i do hydro 4 plants only under a 400w one metre area. No co2
  2. K

    Upgrading to a 600w the benefits?????

    Hello to the experience growers out there, I have been growing with a 400w now for a couple of years and can say I’m hitting 2.5 per plant that's good growing i think even if I say so myself in the beginning i was getting only 1 per plant. It's funny because in two years I have learned so...
  3. K

    1.25 Grams per watt / First Harvest

    I've been growing a couple of years with a 400w and i'm very good at it, from reading i know you haven't but on the forum you can be and do what you like....'' In my spare time i'm a secret agent i'll have you know!
  4. K

    Only one strain!!!

    OK since reading this thread just an update from what i have been growing PPP skunky one etc, anyway Supergirl is the best yeilding and a high THC to compliment plant. It's genuine low leaf size to bud ratio is second to none. Now on a second point the original cheese plant which is from...
  5. K

    How much do you yield under a 400 hps

    Why do people need to bullshit about what yeild given people on here who use the same HID lamps already known already what max and min are. Myself i'm a 400w person i grow 4 plants and get 2 ounces per plant using high yeilding strains like supergirl, (love that baby!) and also PPP great...
  6. K

    *Shutting down the plant room advice*

    I've ordered the boxes which the tanks will fit right into, just the PPP is now tall so will need to make the box taller by adding another box to it, i will be nervous on the day which is next he will be pretty much within touching distance of all plants within the boxes...will...
  7. K

    *Shutting down the plant room advice*

    What i am going to do is put them in storage boxes i have brought and tape them up the sort of thing you would move house with. I will then put them in my main bedroom it would only be a couple of boxed needed and yes one can go inside the closet. I was worried mainly because if i mess around...
  8. K

    *Shutting down the plant room advice*

    Hello guys, I have to shut down the plant room as i have the landlord coming round to check the place out routine it's been a couple of years so i can't complain. My tents are in my second bedroom and i've kind of set it up so it can be removed and taken down in about an hour and a half...
  9. K

    How much electric can you use in the uk?

    Well firstly thanks for the replies, and yes i'm not running 5000w so maybe i could bump it up a bit only looking at an extra 250w not too much of a jump may well go for it now. Anyone else in the uk using lots of power with no probs?
  10. K

    How much electric can you use in the uk?

    Would really like to know what the electric amount you can use without any problems. Now i know you should pay your bill on time which i know heard that before i do mine by direct debit so no probs there, but in a two bedroom house/flat what could you use up too with no probs? At the...
  11. K

    plants smelling

    PPP firstly is a beautiful high yeild plant i love it and when it finishes looks great with it's reddish colour. Now growing it myself again and will keep it by making clones from it a great plant. OK smell, smell needs to escape if you have only a couple of plants and no ventilation it will...
  12. K

    To all those who top there plants a question

    Thanks guys, Both for looking in and giving the answers. Good to know they can be flowered straight away if needed with no adverse effect. However jollygreengiant8 agreed i would be happy to allow at least a few days to allow some kind of recovery before flower. Once again thanks for the...
  13. K

    To all those who top there plants a question

    bongsmilie Oh well back on google then for my answers.....
  14. K

    To all those who top there plants a question

    Hello, I have not had much or i should say any response from my questions asked lately but i see lots of replies to some fairly numpty questions for example, When should i flower my plant? Or does this plant look ready? So i have a numpty question which hopefully will get a reply i will...
  15. K

    I top my plants today first time is this right?

    Hello since no has answered my post :-? After searching and reading up on the net it seems i have only topped my plants which is ok so far. Now i must FIM as my next step again i have read up on this and fully understand and where to cut it this time CORRECTLY. So can i ask this question...
  16. K

    I top my plants today first time is this right?

    Hello guys and girls, Today i topped my supergirl plants, no sorry i FIM i should say my supergirl plants today, thats was what i was aiming to do. OK my question i know your suppose to locate the very top of the plant to do this but it didn't seemed formed enough or allow me a clean cut at...
  17. K

    Dutch master liquid light penetrator question

    Mmmm not any replies? :eyesmoke: OK let me ask a more simple question hopefully, How many weeks old do you let your plants grow in veg before you start to use this spray?
  18. K

    Dutch master liquid light penetrator question

    Hello to all looking in, Can i ask at what stage can i use the above sprays combined on, A) Plants grown from seed? B) Plants grown from clone? Basically how many weeks or how high does the plant need to be? i presume spraying too early would damage the seeds or clones, any help or...
  19. K

    Supergirl stunted due to heat stress help!

    They are being grown in a hydroponic system. re-circulation system
  20. K

    Supergirl stunted due to heat stress help!

    OK thanks i will keep them going should i add nutes back in or wait a couple of days?