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    Rubbermaid CFL grow - First Attempt

    Schultz Potting UMM, it already includes perlite or vermiculture, 1 of those. or both.
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    Help [seed]

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    Help [seed]

    Quickly, please.
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    Help [seed]

    When you plant your seed, and once it germianted, you make a 1 inch deep hole, 1. WHICH WAY DO YOU PLACE THE SEED 2. After planted, do you cover the ENTIRE seed with soil?
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    Cups + Pots - Transplanting

    Is it always nescarry to start off in a small cup, and than transplant into a bigger pot? Why so? Please explain. Thanks:leaf:
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    Marijuana STRAIN - Help

    Anymore advice on this strain would be appreciated.
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    Nirvana Seed bank vs Attitute Seed Bank

    How come the admin labeled attitute seed bank as a bad source.
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    Lighting - Help

    There cheap as hell though! And they will be useful for not more then just one grow, but several!
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    Nirvana Seed bank vs Attitute Seed Bank

    Okay, noiw im a little skeptical which should I choose, the attitute or Nirvana seed bank! I heard good things about both.
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    Nute - Please help

    Ok, first of all Im using 120 watt for the light in flowering to seedling. (1 plant) I need nutes to go with this, please help. I need nutes for vegetation & flowering.
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    Marijuana STRAIN - Help

    So thats a bad choice?
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    @ 30 days too small???

    probably an immature planet, it'll be good.
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    my smallest plant is now dying!

    wdf transplant that shit.
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    Marijuana STRAIN - Help Any suggestions, I am a first time grower will that be a nice good strain?
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    Lighting - Help

    No money, no space.
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    Lighting - Help

    Thanks, anymore advice would be greatly appreciated.
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    Lighting - Help

    With which one, the copper with AC plug?
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    Lighting - Help

    But I need one with AC power, I cant afford to do wiring.
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    Lighting - Help

    Should I go for that YES OR NO! I really need lamps, clamp lamps are like $14.90 here.