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  1. darkhelmut

    to fan, or not to fan?

    1000w on sprouts is too much, get them under some CFLs or regular fluoros....when they've given you 3 sets of leaves (1,2,3 from the bottom up) then pop them under that MH and yes, definitely get some fans on the plants and for circulation. if you aim a small fan right at the top of the plants...
  2. darkhelmut

    watering soilless medium

    just one :-P but she's a big girl. the container is a 6 gal. bucket. click the link in my signature, there are pics.
  3. darkhelmut

    watering soilless medium

    i use a 6 gal. container, full of promix, and i water about every 84 hours during flowering. right after transplant, they got 10000 mls of water(no nutes) a day for 3 days, then during veg they got 4000 ml, every other day. right now they get 6000 ml every 3.5 days.
  4. darkhelmut

    darkhelmut's Dream Set-Up...2000w cooltube tent

    Yeah, i dont have that loot right now, and i am still somewhat novice (although 50% of that is due to having novice equipment). still, it would be a sick set up.
  5. darkhelmut

    Club soda or seltzer water to water plants?

    I've been pouring a can of seltzer into my run-off bucket every day. i don't know how much it helps, but my assumption is that the co2 dissolves out of the soda into the air, where the plants can get it. since it doesn't go on the plants, i use raspberry lime flavor, because thats what i drink...
  6. darkhelmut

    darkhelmut's Dream Set-Up...2000w cooltube tent

    this is a far off dream, but it's been plaguing me lately....can't stop thinking about it. feel my pain. Here it goes: one of these: inside of one of these: pretty...
  7. darkhelmut

    Mutated seedling wtf?

    oooops again.....good luck to you, ma'am!
  8. darkhelmut

    Local slang

    round here, theres shwag (brickweed, seeded or not), beasters (BC bud, Dro,'s all the same, unflushed and improperly cured but better than nothing), and headies (by name, usually, sour d, purple kush, what have you. sometimes it doesnt have a name and then it's just headies). a few...
  9. darkhelmut

    Mutated seedling wtf?

    Oooooops. I may be wrong about the little one dying. It may well survive. I have read on here a story about twins, and it said that the smaller one died. However i just found this: that guys twins are doing alright! good luck...
  10. darkhelmut

    Mutated seedling wtf?

    TWIIIIINNNNSS It's a twin, bro. It happens to plants, just like humans. And like humans, my GUESS is that it could be genetic (and possible to breed as a trait. did you ever see that article about the town in south america with like, 100 sets of twins over a few generations? craziness. people...
  11. darkhelmut

    11/13? 10/14? will plants flower well with these light schedules?

    Just started flowering. I know plants need 12 hours of dark to start flowering, and that it's the 12 hours of dark that keep them flowering. In nature, they must surely, at some point, receive more than 12 hours of dark (because once the natural light cycle shifts at the equinox the nights get...
  12. darkhelmut

    can cigarette smoke negatively affect plants?

    that sounds like a real more cigs in the bathroom it is. thanks dudes.
  13. darkhelmut

    can cigarette smoke negatively affect plants?

    and maybe no more in the house at all. probably better for me anyway the growroom is a bathroom closet. but yeah, no more cigs while I shit. probably better for me anyway.
  14. darkhelmut

    can cigarette smoke negatively affect plants?

    Like the light? will the smoke damage the ballast or something?
  15. darkhelmut

    can cigarette smoke negatively affect plants?

    oh most definitely ... i don't smoke in my growroom per se, cuz it's a closet, but i do like to rip a cig and drop a deuce every now and then...but theres also a window in the bathroom that i open when i do that
  16. darkhelmut

    150w HPS diesel bagseed closet grow

    it would be nice if it was shorter with a bush like that, i agree....but some of that height is from the early stages under poor lighting....once i get some money i'm gonna get some legit seeds and try to put 3 in that closet. but right now i'm just working with this one, for fun mostly...
  17. darkhelmut

    can cigarette smoke negatively affect plants?

    I was thinking that, but then again, plants aren't people. also, the space is well ventilated, so it isn't choking in smoke, theres just occasionally some in the air in my house.
  18. darkhelmut

    can cigarette smoke negatively affect plants?

    can smoke in the air affect the growth of my plants? they're pretty well ventilated, as is the rest of the house, but we (my girlfriend and I) do smoke cigarettes inside. will the nicotine (or anything else) affect my plant?
  19. darkhelmut

    150w HPS diesel bagseed closet grow

    Hello All! I am new to rollitup, and I would like to share my grow with you all, in the hopes of receiving some feedback, tips, and tricks. This is my 2nd grow, start to finish. Last year, I aqcuired 2 healthy blueberry clones. I started them outside (where they flourished), but I eventually...
  20. darkhelmut

    150w HPS diesel bagseed closet grow

    Hello All! I am new to rollitup, and I would like to share my grow with you all, in the hopes of receiving some feedback, tips, and tricks. This is my 2nd grow, start to finish. Last year, I aqcuired 2 healthy blueberry clones. I started them outside (where they flourished), but I eventually...