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  1. coadus51283

    Enough time to mature? *PIcs*

    When did you post this? If it were recently then probably not enough time to veg and flower no. Unless you were to move it indoors and give it a shot thru october within doors.
  2. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    Good to hear that someone else is actually interested in this besides me. LOL. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow morning.
  3. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    I just took one of my garbage cans and put it over the plant. Today was day 8 and it showed me what it had. Covered it basically when the sun went down on the 8th and didn't uncover it till 9. Just kept doing that and it's all good now. Thanks for the info on the rep thing.
  4. coadus51283

    bc outdoor help

    Alright the plant I have growing now I started to cover it once it got to a 1'. Doing this makes the flowering hormone start to kick in. I just found out today that it's a chick. To keep them short some people suggest topping them, meaning to cut the very top 2 or 3 growths sticking out, before...
  5. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    Well lemme tell you. I got up today and went outside to uncover HER. Yes that's right it's a chick. Got like 5 or 6 sets of little white hairs sprouting up. As for the lighting question I posed, I was only asking if it would differ in any way good or bad. Luckily I don't have to worry about not...
  6. coadus51283

    bc outdoor help

    Technically yes flowering means budding, however flowering occurs well before you can actually see any real buds. Once you start to see the pistils (hairs) or balls (nuts) then they will start to swell with resin. Once they are fat then they are considered buds. As for the soil I would say since...
  7. coadus51283

    Need help Guys...Pics..3 months

    Well the reason the top looks like that is cause it's your top cola(bud), as for the nutes, I know you need more N in veg, and I think it's more P in flower. Happy growing.
  8. coadus51283

    Black or white grow box base

    Well having a white bottom would help keep the light at it's brightest, meaning the leaves would get more light for the veggin, but when flowering it would probably be better for to use black being that it's supposed to be COMPLETLY dark during that stage. Hope that helped a little.
  9. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    So I have another question. I'm using the 12/12 method, but what if i were to go to 11/13? Would that have any bad effects on the plant? Would it help it any? I appreciate any input on this.
  10. coadus51283

    Day 38 of 12/12

    Freaking sweet!!! My mouth started to drool a little bit. All I really wanna know is when you harvest them what the weight is. Very nice.
  11. coadus51283

    oh shit

    Should be alright. Just keep an eye on it.
  12. coadus51283

    Flavoring your plant

    Well if your gonna add flavoring why not add color too. When germinating add a few drops of food coloring to the water solution and see if it actually takes on the characteristics of the color. thought i would share that seeing as how i'm ripped.
  13. coadus51283

    First grow!!!! Pics!!!!

    cuckoo. LOL. mold perhaps? Get some sort of bug spray and dilute it. that's all i can say.
  14. coadus51283

    Male or Female!!!!???

    Male plants when they start to flower look like little balls of green on a stem. after a few days more balls start to form around the same small stem and they then begin to droop. females will grow pistils (white hairs) which grow out of a green leaf looking sheath. Until either the hairs or...
  15. coadus51283

    how dark is dark??

    Alright I was confused a bit as to what you were saying. I'm good now. Good luck with that grow though.
  16. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    Well it was just shocking to me to find out that I coulda jump started this but oh well, the site doesn't matter anyway. I'll just stick to my guns and pray that it's a female since it's the only one I have growing.
  17. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    So I read something today that has me a bit confused. Someone wrote somewhere that you can keep the plants in the dark until the flowers are established. Does this mean that you can keep them in the dark until they flower? I thought they needed light to make energy so the plants would grow...
  18. coadus51283

    Young sprout (pics)

    Alright then, move it down to 2" to 3" inches away from the plant, that way you still give it room to grow without actually burning it. Plants don't usually grow more then 2" in a day. So try it and see if that works. Only way to learn is trial and error. I can tell you what I know but that's...
  19. coadus51283

    First Time Growing {need help}

    Hi there, well lets start off with the germination question. Two ways to start a seed, 1) You can use paper towels(2) and place the seed inside. Place the towels into a ziploc bag and place them on top of your water heater. Cover the seeds with a paper plate or something just to keep out light...
  20. coadus51283

    Young sprout (pics)

    It looks a little stretched out but no worries. simply try to get the light a little closer to the plant, like about 1" 1/2 inches would do wonders. Otherwise not to bad. Keep me posted.