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  1. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    newest picture of the plant, only 6 days into 12/12. Any feedback is welcomed.
  2. coadus51283

    flowering question

    Seriously no one can answer this question?? Frustrating
  3. coadus51283

    my outdoor grow

    for 14 days that's not to bad at all. not to sure what your overall yield will be but still looks healthy so far. good luck keep us posted.
  4. coadus51283

    Bud Manicure tips Please

    Unfortunatly I haven't cleaned a bud myself yet. I would assume however that all the fan leaves would need to go. once your drying perhaps the little ones will dry out and fall off?? Sorry bro
  5. coadus51283

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    I am very sekptical about getting that much bud, however there was a time when one plant could produce 5lbs or better. So the idea is not that far fetched. Would still like to see some kind of proof and method. happy growing. =)
  6. coadus51283

    Bud Manicure tips Please

    What kinda pictures are you looking for? what kinda information are you after as well.
  7. coadus51283

    growing for my bro

    I don't know all the laws and whatnot, but I do believe it would be in your best interest to find out about the care giver card. I mean if you get raided for any reason and your brother is not around they could take you in, regardless. Not exactly sure how that would all play out, but definatly...
  8. coadus51283

    I've got a problem....Need advice.

    Alright let's say he is talking to people. He has already told you he was a cop. He said he talks to FED buddies, yet have you taken notice to any strange people or cars going past your house? He was probably a dirty cop. I wouldn't however trust him enough to let him see the set up, I might...
  9. coadus51283

    Help fast!!! Ripped roots!!!

    congrats. may you have a wonderful harvest. any changes since the transplant?
  10. coadus51283

    Male or Female!!!!???

    well i did a little more research. the picture to the left looks like a calyx which is what the hairs come out from. if it were male it would like like a ball on a stick and it definatly doesn't look like that. Hopefully you get all 3 female. =)
  11. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    mouutainstar, I appreciate the link, however I only decided to use the can cause it was the only thing I had that was big enough to cover it with. The problem I have now is I'm not sure the plant will fit under the can when it actually does start to flower. I really need to know to what extent...
  12. coadus51283

    Male or Female!!!!???

    Looking at the first picture, could be signs of an early flower but you won't be able to tell until you see either the little white pistils (hairs) coming out or you see the bunches of seeds (nuts). Give it a little more time and keep an eye on it. Good luck.
  13. coadus51283

    flowering question

    Hi everyone. I have this plant outdoors now that I have been covering for 6 days doing the 12/12 thing. I haven't noticed any preflowers (though I'm still a novice and have no clue what to look for really) but there is alot of little branches starting to come off the main nodes. Question is that...
  14. coadus51283

    rogue plant

    As for an update I'm now 6 days into 12/12 covering the plant at night only changes that can be seen are smaller sets of leaves growing off the initial nodes. Plant is supposed to double in size while flowering. Does this mean double the height or double in mass as a whole? Just curious...
  15. coadus51283

    a few questions

    Generally the flowering outside won't change over until august/september. Problem is once they start to flower they need about 4 to 6 more weeks till fully mature and ready to harvest. Another factor is the temperature outside. September/october can have some really cold nights which might...
  16. coadus51283

    more for veg or flower

    Well I guess that would depend on your grow really. I mean if you let it veg forever you'll use more of those nutes, if you cut it short and flower early you may use more of those nutes. Mine is growing outdoors haven't done anything at all to it and it's coming along nicely. Happy gardening.
  17. coadus51283

    more for veg or flower

    You should have different nutes for both. Veg is like 15-10-10 and flowering you should use 10-15-10. Higher N for veg and higher P for flowering. As for ppm I have no educational value. Hope that helps a little bit.
  18. coadus51283

    no idea what i'm doing

    Well you could try the whole worm method to find some suitable ground. Some say if you get a hand full or so of blood worm and drop them on the ground they will stay, so you would need to check the patch in a week or so. Could be the medium is bad. Hope that helps. =)
  19. coadus51283

    First grow need help frm someone exp,

    Only thing I know about cloning is that you need some sort of rooting hormone, however, I couldn't tell you much more about it. Why not look at RIU growFAQ and see if you can't find information there. Good luck.
  20. coadus51283

    36 days after Sprout!!!

    Well just keep me posted with how they turn out.