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  1. FreNzyBud

    How much longer ak47

    Question! When the strain your growing is said to flower in 8 weeks. Is that eight weeks from the day you swithch to 12/12 light cycle? Or is it from the first day you see signs of a actual flower (about 2 weeks into 12/12) Can anyone answer that?
  2. FreNzyBud

    Broken ballast!! How will this effect plants??

    Thx guys, your replies and this joint im smoking right now is calming me down :blsmoke: I just wanted to make sure that my babies were going to be fine :)
  3. FreNzyBud

    Broken ballast!! How will this effect plants??

    Hey.. I just got home yesterday and my light was off. I normally have the light running from 11:00 till 23:00 (flowering) The light havent turned on, i got home at 16:00 and fixed the problem, and i continued the light cycle as normal.. The plant is feminized seeds, vegged for 4 weeks and is...
  4. FreNzyBud

    400 W Organic Grow. Strain: Fruit Spirit

    Patience is a virtue my friend :smile:
  5. FreNzyBud

    400 W Organic Grow. Strain: Fruit Spirit

    I sure hope so, the plants grow fast right now.. Cant wait to see some bud bongsmilie
  6. FreNzyBud

    Ventilation Question

    For your first grow i wouldn't worry about CO2... Get at small computer ventilator to exchange air in you room, that is all you need.. My first grow was also a closet grow with 150w HPS without CO2, and the buds were huge (for a 150w). PM me for evidence :)
  7. FreNzyBud

    400 W Organic Grow. Strain: Fruit Spirit Thats about all i know about the plant. But i have seen one guy growing this strain. And it looked like some real nice ganja.. :D
  8. FreNzyBud

    400 W Organic Grow. Strain: Fruit Spirit

    Hello growers bongsmilie This is my new organic grow with a new strain im quite exited about, Fruit Spirit from Royal queen seeds (feminized). I am using a 400 Watt HPS both for vegging and flowering, exept for the first week where i used 2x36 watt flourecent lights. I'm growing in BioBizz...
  9. FreNzyBud

    Early picking question

    It would not hurt the plant very much to take one of the lowest buds off.. And as far as THC goes.. If its sticky and looks crystal-like, it contains THC.. The THC is not as potent as when the plant is mature, but chances are you probably CAN get a little buzz from it..
  10. FreNzyBud

    Fertilizer for Biobizz All-Mix soil

    No one?! :roll:
  11. FreNzyBud

    Can circulating fan be used at intake? (pics)

    If you simply have your fan inside that box there you will not get much pull, if any! I have used at fan like that in my first grow, take the fan apart, remove outside net/protective shield. Then mount it in a tupe with same diameter as the fan blades. If you dont do this, you wont move much...
  12. FreNzyBud

    Fertilizer for Biobizz All-Mix soil

    Hello fellow growers! :weed: The previous 2 grows ive had has been hydroponic-grows. I used General Hydroponics Flora series both times. I have also used this fertilizer for some off my outdoor/greenhouse grows in neutral soil. Results has been good.. :joint: But now i am growing inside...
  13. FreNzyBud

    A question for a trained eye ;)

    I feel your pain. I have experienced this on my own plants a few times.. I hate dude-plants But the show must go on...
  14. FreNzyBud

    clone lighting

    Yes.. It takes about 7-12 days for at clone to fully root itself. After this period just could flower it right away or wait a few weeks, it depends on big you want the plant to get... I would recommend to let the clone get atleast one or two weeks more that just the rooting period, this will...
  15. FreNzyBud

    help!!! how many ounces?

    yeah... What he said.. Taking into perspective that you think it only depends on how much soil you use, i would guess that you would not yield very much. Growing is knowledge and a hobby
  16. FreNzyBud

    Adding air pump to ebb/flow systems...

    I had airstones in my reservoir, it is a good ideá to keep the water "fresh" and well air-rated. This will keep the roots from rotting. Besides an airpump is cheap and uses little electricity.
  17. FreNzyBud

    Oh shit!? Is this a hermie? *PICS*

    It was heat stress.. I simply cut off that part off the cola. It worked out fine.. Fantastic smoke! Best i ever had.. :D
  18. FreNzyBud

    2009 Harvest Danish-grown!!!

    Yeah.. Garden Gangster, badass name! But its pretty much bag seeds i would think, they were very cheap.. 250 DKK (about 45 USD) for 100 seeds..
  19. FreNzyBud

    2009 Harvest Danish-grown!!!

    I used my USB-microscope to look at several off the buds. And they look milky-white, not clear crystal... It has been flowering for over 10 weeks, 10½ week or so. I like them harvested a little before they turn brown, i enjoy the up-high very much.. I know it looks like the buds aren't ready...
  20. FreNzyBud

    2009 Harvest Danish-grown!!!

    I will put some more pics in here off it when its cured. I got 8 plants like this, some off them even better. It smells nice, and i got the stickiest hands from trimming them..