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  1. FreNzyBud

    f.i.m technique

    ? Just ?
  2. FreNzyBud

    Oh shit!? Is this a hermie? *PICS*

    Are you guys absolutlety sure its a hermie? I got one guy saying its is demolished female flowers due to heat stress. Have anyone ever seen this? Because i dont really think it is pollen sacks when you look up very close. Is is the cola closest to the lamp, and it is ONLY this one branch, cant...
  3. FreNzyBud

    Oh shit!? Is this a hermie? *PICS*

    I cant really take it out, i only have 2 plants, this will fuck up my hole crop. They are growing in a net (see the picture) Cant i just cut of the male flowers? I check on them several times a day.
  4. FreNzyBud

    Oh shit!? Is this a hermie? *PICS*

    New pics added... Without the HPS lamp on.
  5. FreNzyBud

    Oh shit!? Is this a hermie? *PICS*

    Hey.. My grow is 4 weeks into flower, and is looking nice, exept for this morning when i saw that only one of the tops has developed some mail-looking flowers. Please take a look, is it a hermie? (i'm a first time grower) And what can i do about it if it is a hermie, cut the mail flowers of...
  6. FreNzyBud

    Drooping Leaves

    If using 10 ltr pots, i would flush minimum 3-4 times the volume of the pots. 30-40 liters per pot. Then you can be pretty sure its well flushed. Peace :joint:
  7. FreNzyBud

    Im new, My Grow!

    Oil? There is no THC in a male plant, nothing you can get high from anyway... What you have is simple plant extract. Just so you know...
  8. FreNzyBud

    Im new, My Grow!

    Its hard to say weather yield is decreased or not. I dont think it is. I will make a journal very soon, i am growing with only 150 w HPS and 50 w CFL in a very pro setup hydroponic closet i have build. I have 2 plants. I vegged for 4 weeks until they were about 2 feet tall, they streched till...
  9. FreNzyBud

    Im new, My Grow!

    I top my plants usually within 5-7 days into the 12 hour cycle. It has worked great for me. I am only going for 2 main colas, and that has worked for me :shock:
  10. FreNzyBud

    Weird Marijuana Buzz's?..? - Help

    So you're saying that a person cant be too young and underdeveloped in his or her mind to be really stoned based only on your own experiences. Now that is BS. Have you thought of that maybe not every single person in the world is complete like you?? The first couple of times you get really...
  11. FreNzyBud

    Pots without drainage holes

    Of course it can be done without drainage holes. But I cant see why you would want to have that. Lay down a floor of plastic and elevate the edges or simply buy pots with a "under-cup" (or what its called in english:confused: ) I hope you got the point :bigjoint:
  12. FreNzyBud

    Frost Shelters for young plants

    It sounds okay, as long as you only put the box over the plant when it otherwise would have been dark. If you put the box over the plant every day so that it only gets 12-14 hours of light a day, it might go into flower. Be aware of this, make sure not to "steal" light from your plant(s)...
  13. FreNzyBud

    Peeing around your plants???

    As long as you only urinate in the soil around the plant, it is fine.. Not on the plant and definetly not on the buds..
  14. FreNzyBud

    Frost Shelters for young plants

    If its frost during the nighttime that you're worried about, u can make a box from styrofoam and put this over the plant. If the soil doesn't freeze up your plant should be fine, but only for one night og two. Otherwise you may have to move your plant inside if that is an option. Good luck...
  15. FreNzyBud

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I'm from Denmark.. Over here we mostly smoke hashish. It is usually pretty hard to get a hold of some weed or "skunk" as its called here. But street price is about 400-450 US Dollars for an ounce (28 grams) or something like 16-18 US Dollars for 1 gram. Fucking expensive! Thats why i grow...
  16. FreNzyBud

    Weird Marijuana Buzz's?..? - Help

    His mind is to young to cope with a decent ammount of marijuana. You have to learn how it is to be stoned. My first really enjoyable high was probably when I was 17 or 18, I tried it a couple of times before that but it never really caught me. Now i have been high for the past 5 years, and...
  17. FreNzyBud

    1/2/12 Light Cycle

    Run the light cycle during the nighttime, or simply get a sufficient vent. system. There really isn't any easy way to deal with heat, air has to me moved/or cooled.
  18. FreNzyBud

    EC meter? How do i convert to PPM?

    When i add my nutrients to the solution (GHE Total series) it reads 2,3-2,4 EC Is this too much? The water is pretty hard very i live (Denmark)
  19. FreNzyBud

    EC meter? How do i convert to PPM?

    Hello Fellow growers :eyesmoke: I have just recieved my PH meter and EC meter. The PH meter is no problem to use, i got that :mrgreen: But my EC meter i am having a little bit of trouble with. It is this one i have...
  20. FreNzyBud

    Difference between magnetic and digital ballasts?

    Hey.. I have just recieved my Sonlight Electronic ballast and Sylvania 150 w bulb. I only grow 2 plants in hydroponics in a small space. The ballast does light the bulb up very quickly, about 45-60 second to full strength. The actual power-consumption for the ballast is 158 watts wich is not...