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  1. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    could the constant temperature change do that or would this be a deficiency?
  2. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    the leaves arent white, its just the bright flash from the camera. i am currently using roots organic 707 soil and have used it with no problems before. the plants are ak-48's under a 18/6 light cycle. the older growth is okay still, its the new shoots that have the problem. so if it was a...
  3. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    We live in Hawaii and the temp in the room is mid-high 80's everyday. Also have high humidity, really high. Probably warmer at night then during the day with the ac on. Haven't fed in awhile either.
  4. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    Leaves are curled bad and don't know why. Veg under t8 and recently put in the ac that runs for 12 hours a day. Plants were fine and just started to curl under. Now all new shoots are starting to curl under. Nervous about setbacks. Please help!
  5. R

    Best state to grow outdoors?!?

    hawaii.... year round flowering
  6. R

    What cloning machine to buy??

    anyone have pics of a root system dense enough to transplant?
  7. R

    What cloning machine to buy??

    what type of lag when transplanting? did you see any nute burn from ferts in the soil? thats all i worry about when using these water systems
  8. R

    What cloning machine to buy??

    what has a better/quicker success rate? aeroponic mister or one of those deep water air stone bubbler things?
  9. R

    Fan Question

    bargain shopper.... my kind of guy
  10. R

    Fan Question

    you want to run a little more air running out your exhaust than coming in the intake to create a little negative pressure. did that make sense to you?
  11. R

    What is the best technique to induce flowering under CFL

    12/12..... never fails. change your cfls to 2700k soft white if you havent already
  12. R

    Hawaii Growers

    aloha rollitup ohana! just rooted some O.G. Kush clones and was wondering if any other medical patients on oahu possibly wanted to trade strains?
  13. R

    Fan Question

    sorry... total. forgot a letter!
  14. R

    Fan Question

    that should be fine. the rule of thumb is your fan should move toal volume of air in the room in less than 5 minutes. are you moving air just for circulation or for heat also?
  15. R

    What cloning machine to buy??

    what kind of nutrients if any are you using in your water?
  16. R

    anyone ever get free seeds from nirvana

    sorry... dna genetics
  17. R

    Fan Question

    if heat isnt a problem and all you need is air circulation, id say that would be sufficient if the area isnt too big. have you found one of those charts saying how much air for your size grow area? if you dont, i think i have one. just p.m. me and ill try to dig it out. aloha!
  18. R

    What cloning machine to buy??

    i think youre totally right about the heat or the light. here in hawaii its hard to keep the temps under 80 during the day without running an a/c. I use two l.e.d. lights in the veg room and they may be too close for the clones. i heard you can hang the l.e.d's right above the plants with no...
  19. R

    What kinda soil do you recommend?

    roots organic in the camo bag. stuff is great, just read the front of the bag. love that stuff. more like 20 a bag
  20. R

    Fan Question

    i bought the 4 inch duct booster. its good for pushing extra air through a long duct, but should not be used as a main exhaust fan. just not enough juice. especially in a place where heat is a big issue. aloha