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  1. R

    need some help ..... LOTS OF PICS

    i shouldve took before pics of the first plant. the leaves were broad and strong the day before the transplant. it looks less healthy today for sure. transplant shock or the very light feeding? maybe just overly paranoid??
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    need some help ..... LOTS OF PICS

    can the nutes already in the soil can burn the seedlings that are in peat pellets? from my understanding peat pellets have no nutrients, so if i transplant into a nutrient rich potting soil is it possible to burn the plants. im using roots organic with no additional additives. i read that...
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    How do I Fatten

    sugar fattens your buds by up to 20 percent. molasses is ususally that secret ingredient in these thick super bloom formulas. aloha!
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    Spidermites in 6th week of flower

    ladybugs do the job well. good to use late in flowering so you dont have to spray anything on your buds
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    need some help ..... LOTS OF PICS

    Aloha my brothers and sisters! i have a problem with my new seedlings and need some advice. ive never grown from seed before, only from clone. i just transplanted my peat pellets into roots organic soil, and fertilized with 5ml of liquid karma from botanicare. i noticed today that one of my...
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    How high should i hang l.e.d.s above seedlings??

    just noticed one of the seedlings looks like it may have some crinkles in the first pair of leaves. any ideas? light too close?
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    Need help picking a strain

    lots goes into picking your strain. your climate, size of plants you want, flowering time you want, aroma, potency, yield, etc.... go to a seedbank like attitude and do some research. every grower wants different things out of his plants. choose one you want, not what other people want...
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    How high should i hang l.e.d.s above seedlings??

    would you go use the glowpanel 45 or a 90w ufo for seedlings?
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    Need help setting up grow room

    attic fans displace heat easily. check out home depot
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    Can anyone tell me why this happens

    growing to the lights are normal. just rotate your plants from time to time to assure uniform light coverage. also if u want short bushy plants, just top over and over. aloha
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    How high should i hang l.e.d.s above seedlings??

    thats about where i have them, guess ill just keep i there. much mahalo and aloha
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    Need help setting up grow room

    go for a led in small spaces that heat is a problem. no heat emitted. 1 90w ufo could probably cover your closet grow
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    Can anyone tell me why this happens

    either underwatering or plants are just exhausted from all the new work theyre doing. if they always perk up in the morning then thats all it is. they will get used to this if that is the case. aloha
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    How high should i hang l.e.d.s above seedlings??

    i want to use either my 45w glowpanel or 90w ufo to start my seedlings after they pop. i cant find any consistent recommendations on the height i should hang my led's above them. does anyone use either of these lights from seed? if so, how high are you hanging the lights? mahalo and aloha from...
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    two weeks frm harvest and leafs turns brown and dies.

    may be overdose of koolbloom. very easy to murder plants with 1/4 teaspoon too much
  16. R

    WTF? Which is it?

    it says discontinue 3-4 DAYS before harvest, not weeks
  17. R

    How much to bump the nutes in my soil grow? Help pretty pleeese

    dont bump up the koolbloom to much. you will f@*k your stuff up.... been there!
  18. R

    Dry Kool Bloom??

    kool bloom is designed to start midway through flowering. if you are still a while from flowering, it will increase your size and yield. you can feed on your routine schedule without worry. just start off with half the recommended dosage. very powerful stuff.
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    2 Weeks into flowering, KoolBloom,Diamond Nectar question.

    you can start using koolbloom after 2 weeks of flowering, not including trans time. you can use koolbloom until the last week, even though it says 3-5 days before harvest. and i wouldnt poke my plants, but to each his own right!
  20. R

    GlowPanel 45 Reviews

    i also grew out plants with the glowpanel 45. it was an animal in the veg room, but didnt have the light penetration to flower the taller plants. imo, you need short plants to get the full coverage you need. cheap cfl's can supply the extra light you need if you are growing a larger plant