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  1. Chettybear

    couple questions about acid

    yeah... the best stuff here only requires a hit to have a great trip, so i take 5
  2. Chettybear

    Meet Luci...

    well very cool. have you tried doing really short ones like that but with more than just the main stem? i guess it would be bonsai status...
  3. Chettybear

    Meet Luci...

    Well cool man, whatever works for you. I definitly didnt expect that one to be over a foot tall but thats cool. Do you just use florescents? Thats cool though i actually would be curious to try it, just flower from day one? And my babies will be done for thanksgiving too, we can be thankful...
  4. Chettybear

    Meet Luci...

    why do you grow those little bonsai trees when you could harvest 8-10 nugs that size every two months or so?
  5. Chettybear

    How does it look??

    mirrors are bad. the dont work the way you would imagine, just use something that is just plain white. But you can go into flower if you want to, personaly i would let it get bigger. do you have an hps for flowering or just going floro all the way?
  6. Chettybear

    Is there a diference in yeild between a seed plant and a clone

    so i did some research, the only difference is you can flower a clone at around 5-6 inches, when you flower from seed at a safer height of 10-12 inches. other than that no difference, besides always getting females :)
  7. Chettybear


    its actually Kool bloom with a K, my bad
  8. Chettybear


    i always always recommend General Hydroponics Flora series and finish the flower with cool bloom. amazing results, though can be a little pricey. as for the burn, its from too much nutes. thats not the nutes, its the grower. just be careful. with the GH nutes, use half of what they...
  9. Chettybear

    flushing good or bad ?

    i would disagree. i think flushing is very important for the taste of your bud, especially with hydro. it forces the nutes in your leaves and stems to go to your buds making them more crystally and tastier. if you have ever smoked weed that tastes sort of bitter and like chemicals more than...
  10. Chettybear

    How far should my 400watt MH light be above my 3 week olkd 4 in high plants?

    a good way to test is put your hand over the top of your plant/plants with yhe back of your hand towards the light, hold it there for a minute and if it is too hot for your hand after a minute it is too hot
  11. Chettybear

    The twisted adventures of Sunny Daze

    nothing like family activities... reminds me of my house
  12. Chettybear

    Is there a diference in yeild between a seed plant and a clone

    yeah clones are tight, if you have a good mother plant you know that you will have a good clone and yield isn't changed much but if you have a clones you may yield more because they dont need the same amount of veg time
  13. Chettybear

    outdoor juicy fruit... organic =)

    haha is that or real?
  14. Chettybear

    Botanicare 141 Cloning Machine

    well i clone in an aerocloner and it takes like five days. i have used the root hormone powder on mine and had nice results but i dont know about the gel... but it probably doesnt make a huge difference, hormones or not, the moisture usually does the trick. maybe some water soluble root...
  15. Chettybear

    washing hydroton

    yeah i just rinse em with water then do a light bleach/water rinse then another water rinse or two. that will kill everything and you can just give em their normal nutes as food then you have mroe control of their food intake since you dont really have a way of knowing how much is left behind...
  16. Chettybear

    how much longer til flower?

    oh and to answer your question about when to switch to 12/12, i usually do it at around a foot and a half. but i grow hydro and the plant triples in size when i go into flower. when i did organic it didnt get as big but i think that was pot restrictions. a gallon of soil to each foot of plant...
  17. Chettybear

    how much longer til flower?

    Less nutes. I would suggest switching to General Hydroponics flora series, they give you the most control of what you are feeding your plant. I think you are over watering too. when you water, put on all the soil making sure all of the top soil gets moist so that you dont have any roots...
  18. Chettybear

    everyone..please post your pics.

    I have a really basic quazi style hydro set up that a ex pro grower told me about. It take ten minutes to make and does amazing things when given the right water/nutes/light and all that. all it is= a 5 gallon fish tank, or anything that can hold water. I am using a 2 gallon plastic bin and...
  19. Chettybear

    Solar Powered Grow Room

    Yeah what he said. But my buddy has solars on his house, powering his whole house including his garden. Its pretty cool, there isn't a lot of monitoring going on when it comes to his electricity.
  20. Chettybear

    shawty lo VS. TI whos better

    Alright, thats chill. all im sayin is that there is better flow out there and once you find it and realize how ill it is you wont want to listen to anything else