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  1. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 38, put together a couple more dwc totes and did some transplanting, but forgot to take pics
  2. tinymonstertruck

    topping/cutting plant in half

    before the ridicule begins, yes I know I should've flowered earlier however due to living arrangements I wanted to wait to flower so that moving them was done during veg when they're more resilient. now I'm in a new place and finally able to flower and with the light as high as it will go I was...
  3. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 37, finally got another light set up and some more totes and air stones and an air pump to set up some more dwc totes. 1000 watt hps in the tent now and going to a 12/12 flowering schedule, 400 watt mh in the closet with a mom and all the other vegging girls
  4. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 36, looking good
  5. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 35, I'm quite impressed with the explosive root growth in the dwc, should hopefully be finally getting another light set up in a couple days and then it's time to flower :hump:
  6. tinymonstertruck

    Rock wool

    once you start seeing roots out of the rockwool you're fine to transplant into whatever medium you'd like. I transferred 8 into a dwc bin and 4 into 1 gallon pots, plus I still have 18 more sitting in my clone tray waiting to find new homes, check out my grow and ask away...
  7. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 34, dwc roots are looking amazing, still looking around for some lighting so I can pull out the vegging stuff and put 3 of the big girls into flower
  8. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 33, I did it.......I got lazy and didn't take pics today
  9. tinymonstertruck

    Rock wool

    lemon juice, or distilled water is right around the right ph to begin with. if you go with distilled water though you need to add cal-mag
  10. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 32, here's some root shots to track progress
  11. tinymonstertruck

    First time bubbler ......?s

    These cuttings spent 13 days in my propagator and then this is day 4 in my dwc tote. nothing more than plain tap water
  12. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 31, aside from a few yellowed leaves all my lovely ladies have survived the move just fine. I pictured a couple of the girls in the dwc to show root growth, I'm quite pleased with how those are coming
  13. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 30, today was moving day. everybody was moved during lights out, kept light exposure to a minimum and they all did fine. my one girl closest to the right has started to lean, I'll need to get her tied back
  14. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 29, everybody is doing good
  15. tinymonstertruck

    Is Rapid Rooter the easiest starter plug?

    clone-x and rockwool, made sure to slice at an angle with a razor blade. 30 out of 32 made it. this was my very first attempt at ever cloning and it's pretty simple.
  16. tinymonstertruck

    Please help figure out what is going on with these fine genetics

    try backing off with the lights. I've had all my clones and vegging plants at 18/6. I had a mishap when I first started and the lights were on about 22 hours, I turned them off and the plants looked much better after resting. just try to mimic what nature would be like naturally and your...
  17. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 28, everybody is looking good, the dwc is just tap water that I bubbled for about an hour and a half before putting the clones in. the ppm was around 70 and ph around 7.5, a bit high, but I've seen others with success so I'll leave it alone until I start adding nutes.
  18. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 27, since I wasn't able to rehome the clones I decided to get some started in the dwc tote I put together and put some into some pots. hopefully the other girls can find some new homes or maybe I'll just have to build a couple more totes. I'm finally able to move somewhere that I'll have...
  19. tinymonstertruck

    is this normal for clone rooting?

    thank you for the info, this is what I was looking for. I guess next time I won't be so neurotic with the water, but considering 30 of the 32 made it I can't complain
  20. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 26, took the lid off the propagator, 30 of 32 clones have made it. not bad for my first time