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  1. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 50, after some research I've realized that with the nutes I'm using I should be running h2o2. I'll be getting some 30% food grade and mix it at 1-2 ml/gallon. the clones don't seem to be eating any of the nutes although they look fairly happy.
  2. tinymonstertruck

    Can I plant these yet? (Photos)

    look fine to plant
  3. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 49, looking good
  4. tinymonstertruck

    first time DWC grow going bad

    what kind of water were you using? if ro/di then there was nothing in the water for the plants to really take up so when you gave them something to actually feast on they started to perk back up. I move my clones into dwc totes with plain tap water that I left on and bubbling for awhile to...
  5. tinymonstertruck

    aeroponic cloner spray nozzle question

    ended up with these 360* spray nozzles from my local hydro shop, I'll have a total of 10, 2 on each cross bar. I'll have a total of 40 neoprene collars for clones
  6. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 48, everybody is happy and healthy, it's amazing seeing all the hairs and tops coming up. I also got the aeroponic cloner closer to being done, sourced some spray nozzles from my local hydro shop as well as some 1 5/8" neoprene collars and made the holes for everything
  7. tinymonstertruck

    Tent drainage question

    saucers underneath your pots, some overflow is going to happen it's a fact of life no matter how careful you are. as long as you have a decent tent with a removable floor liner then there's no issue. after each run you just pull the liner out and rinse it off.
  8. tinymonstertruck

    Male or Female Indoor Dwc

    I would say too early to tell. if you want a definitive answer before wasting time vegging questionable plants then I would take a cutting from each plant in question and put it under 12/12 lighting. this will induce flowering on the little cutting and reveal its sex to you.
  9. tinymonstertruck

    Male or Female Indoor Dwc

    it's a little hard to tell/too early to tell from the pics you've posted. what you want though when you see pre-flowers are these two "hairs" coming out like I've posted. these are clones in my propagator with female pre-flowers. single hairs=male, two hairs=female
  10. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 47, everybody is happy and healthy
  11. tinymonstertruck

    aeroponic cloner spray nozzle question

    what spray nozzle would you recommend for this set up? I've looked them up online and there seems to be many choices, what has been your real world experience with them? the pump is 175 gpm, 1/4" outlet bushed up to 1/2", 14 gallon tote, planning on ~50 clones
  12. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 46, I had this pump and decided to put together an aeroponics cloner, roots are coming out nicely in the middle and right dwc totes, the roots in the left dwc tote look brownish, but when I felt the roots it was watery and a little gritty like some precipitated nutes
  13. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 45, everything is looking good
  14. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 44, finally had a chance to get all these pictures up, changed the reservoir in the left dwc, the baby clones are looking great
  15. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 43, decided it was time to top the girls in the left dwc tote and I took those cuttings and put them into some rockwool in the propagator. I took the rest of the rockwool cubes I had and pulled some more clones from mom, start trying to get her pruned down to something smaller.
  16. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 42, still looking good
  17. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 41, transplanted into bigger pots today, decided to cut the roots to stimulate growth, the dirt used to transplant was a 50/50 mix of some coco coir I had and the last of a bag of Fox Farm ocean soil.
  18. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 40, everything's looking good
  19. tinymonstertruck

    topping/cutting plant in half

    I ended up taking twine and pulling the girls over. I do plan on getting these girls into bigger pots before getting too far into flowering, just haven't made it to the hydro shop for them.
  20. tinymonstertruck

    Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

    day 39, pics of the new dwc totes and I finally transplanted all the clones I had left in the tray. I also started pulling down the flowering girls to help with height