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  1. Isthisyourspecialbush

    SHould I use both lights?

    get as many light as you can. Mix the spectrum 1/2 1/2
  2. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Will someone in this forum PLEASE help me?

    When your trichs start to turn milky white chop it. Or you can chop it early for more of a heady high. If you wanna heavier body stone wait till the trichs turn a darker amber.
  3. Isthisyourspecialbush

    The Hempy Collective

    I tried to read the entire post but only made to page 40, I'm lazy. Sorry if you allREdy answered this but do you think it would help to put a wick in the hempy to help bring water to the roots before they hit the res. I'm planing to use up my ff ocean forest by starting my clones in 12oz cups...
  4. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Busted 4 days after 420

    Theres no bud like your own homegrown big or small to each his own. he he it rhymes
  5. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Tool Time Baby!!!!!

    I'm gonna be a custodian, a jantor if you wana be a dick about it lol abbazaba you my only friend
  6. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Busted 4 days after 420

    Bionic why would anyone talk shit? Its lookin good bro Hey fire, we need updates on larry I watched that ideo four times he's hilarious. I don't feel comfortable sending cash but if you need anything let me know. Something for the kid money on the books whatever. peace
  7. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Got mad and craiglisted someone

    What's up with this zeke guy? I'm reading a thread and he jumps in and says he likes to beat his kaak, he farted, smels queef etc. WTF It's funny shit though
  8. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Got mad and craiglisted someone

    Are you people serious, legal action for this? The guys attorney fees would probably cost more than his settlement if any. It's just a prank, Same as writing nu,bers on a bathroom wall. I'm sure his friend is cooming up with something to top it though, better watch out. Happy growing...
  9. Isthisyourspecialbush

    How do you grow shrooms?

    Yeah i've had good results with the bags. Bob make sure you buy the grain based bags. A couple years ago i bought 15 bags that had popcorn, sand, and dirt? They colonized but wouldn't fruit for shit, I was pissed
  10. Isthisyourspecialbush

    How do you grow shrooms?

    The easiest way is to get the ready made pre sterilized rye grain bags and spore syringe. Just knock it up, incubate around 80 deg or so till the whole bag is colonized. Drop your temp to 70 deg or so and give indirect sunlight or fluoros work to. to save money you can make your own bags w/ wbs...
  11. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Busted 4 days after 420

    No more bad mouthing larry, he's my hero lol you gotta look after the plants
  12. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Hella Light Problem

    Desert sativa should run for president.He seems to be of superior intelligence
  13. Isthisyourspecialbush

    Tool Time Baby!!!!!

    What a stoner can't be a scientist? Never met one but I'm sure there out there.:mrgreen:
  14. Isthisyourspecialbush

    My Current set up: journal?

    Don't be hatin on the name I love Bush:mrgreen: If all goes well I'll be gettin some tonight. I may have smoked myself retarded. when I read your instructions on posting a link it made my head hurt. I might have to call NASA for further instructions lol. I'll try again later when i'm sober...
  15. Isthisyourspecialbush

    My Current set up: journal?

    A shower curtain type deal w panda plastic might work to, might be a heat issue though. If I knew how to put a link to a thread i would but if you type "the hempy collective" under the search it should come up. right now i have a green genie auto waterer. It's battery powerd and says it waters...
  16. Isthisyourspecialbush

    How Long Does It Take To Fully Grow?

    nothing like the fresh taste of piss in the morning lol
  17. Isthisyourspecialbush

    The Most Revelatory Idea This Forum Will Know

    I'll be watching this one
  18. Isthisyourspecialbush

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    For me swimming or diving really helps
  19. Isthisyourspecialbush

    My Current set up: journal?

    Considering this guy was doing hydro when i was still shitin my pants I'll take the advice, 50/50 it is. I wish I could shop local,the nearest shop is 100+ mi. When I do make the trip It is worth it though, not wso much in prices but the knowledge these people have is insane. I don't know if the...
  20. Isthisyourspecialbush

    What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

    get yourself some oxycodone, preferably oxycontin you'll forget all about weed.