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  1. joebuck

    Dutch Master Reverse experiment - now, is it male or female or "other"

    I was hoping the cows would be in the pasture above us - I'm sure they would love it. If I see 'em, I'll take my "centerpiece" and feed it to them! That's some hillbilly fun if I ever herd of it. (Get it - HERD? COWS?) Good thing it's Friday. I think I'm slaphappy from work stress.
  2. joebuck

    Itsy bitsy spider went up my plant today...

    I hope Mr.Spider brings all of his buddies and they eat all of the bad bugs that try to get my plants. Sorry I couldn't zoom in too well on the spider...but he's about a centimeter long and I had the crap camera with me. Happy Friday!
  3. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    I swear these things are growing like weeds! Wait they are weed....ahhhhh! So the poll said what I'd sadly suspected. The above plant is a boy. Bummer. There was a time in my life when being surrounded by multiple young healthy men would have been a dream. Now it's just a pain in the ass...
  4. joebuck

    Dutch Master Reverse experiment - now, is it male or female or "other"

    Buh-bye smelly guy! Now you see it. Now you don't. It's now in a vase on our dining room table. It's making the whole house smell skunky! Mmmmmmmmm!
  5. joebuck

    two 5 and two 4 footers..outdoor-grow

    Truly gorgeous! If I didn't have almost pure rock in the ground around here, I'd be sinking plants in the ground EVERYWHERE. +rep from me too for the inspiring plants!
  6. joebuck

    droopy leaves

    That and with some plants, if you leave water dropletts on the leaves during bright/hot days, you can scortch them because the water acts like a magnifying glass. I haven't personally had it happen - could be a urban legend, but when I have to water when it's sunny and we're still heading into...
  7. joebuck

    Help Me Sex This (pics)

    When you see female hairs, you'll know - they are fine, white/clear. When you've waited out that bump and it just keeps getting bigger and seperating into more bumps/balls, but no other leaf action is going on there quite yet. I've been fooled by new leaves coming in seeming like hairs. Plus I...
  8. joebuck

    Dutch Master Reverse experiment - now, is it male or female or "other"

    Sigh. I wish I had some feminized seeds when I started all of this growing - it's so frustrating to grow then kill, grow, kill. I'm a nice girl (ok, I'm 40, so I'm a nice "woman"?), I treat them very well - they get anything they need, I pick off the pests, give them water, reconfigure my...
  9. joebuck

    Mouth Wash

    Wow. You know what I think? I think junior weather man wanna be had a mouthwash bottle w/ water & nutes in his room...but also had a real too high and "watered" with the wrong thing but didn't want to admit a stupid mistake. Remember when you were 16 and blamed the dog for shit...
  10. joebuck

    Dutch Master Reverse experiment - now, is it male or female or "other"

    This is my little experiment - I have 3 plants outside in an EarthBox. One of them is getting pretty large. It had the signs of balls when I ordered and recieved some Dutch Master Reverse and Penetrator. I sprayed per the directions just to see what would happen. The mini balls that were...
  11. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    I've been experimenting with Dutch Master reverse on this plant. This is the large plant in the EarthBox. I sprayed the first evidence of balls and now this is what I have...which looks different than the balls/flowers I had on the hermie. Thoughts?
  12. joebuck

    Bulldogs first journal (I'm a virgin so please be gentle)

    Hey Bulldog! I am loving your pic - pesky squirrels! I'm glad flowering is going well for you - it's times like this that I'm sooo jealous of indoor growers. It tempts me to bring one of mine inside to 12/12 it. I'm getting soooo impatient, especially when the plants smell so yummy! :weed:
  13. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hey everybody - I know. Long time since I've posted, but there wasn't much to post - the orphans are coming along nicely, just repotted them into some bigger pots. Had a little funky discoloration going on and figured that they were probably root bound and had an OD on nutes (my bad - should not...
  14. joebuck

    first try at lst

    And if you transplant, or even now, you could bury that stalk much more to give the plant more support. Looks like it stretched early on.
  15. joebuck

    How safe is this site?

    You know how many similar boards are out there on similar websites...for not just pot, for anything that you can think of that is illegal. I don't know of a police department in the world that has the resources to go out and get individuals based on a post on the internet. I'd think that...
  16. joebuck

    Experience System

    I feel for ya Twisty. I'm out too and am finding it hard to stay focused at work...obviously, since I'm here trying to figure out what the hell the bars are for - are mine long because I read more than I post? Hmmmm.
  17. joebuck

    My Plant Grows Cross Shaped

    Wow - pretty, symetrical plant. It's a good example of why people do LST so those bottom leaves will get more light. You might notice where those leaves came off that more will form. If you grow bonsai you know you have to be patient! :) Happy growing!
  18. joebuck


    I would move the plants, repot them and put the pots back like some deer ate 'em. Then the gardener won't be trying to sniff 'em out around your 'hood - or start walking your dog with an INS hat on. ;)
  19. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Yeah, well, I'd love to have clear sides and a white top, but my husband picked up the fiberglass and thought green was good because it's a greenhouse (?!?!!? really, he is smart, but NOT about plants or sun or plants and sun and heat!). I kinda had to let things happen so he could see it fail...
  20. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Thought I'd put a couple of better ones up of the one plant that was in the shade when I took photos earlier today. It's reaching for the sun! I mean REALLY....isn't it deliciously green?!?!?! :weed: