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  1. joebuck

    keep cats out

    A touch paranoid? I've got cats, birds that can get into where my plants are but they aren't interested in the least - they have other things to do. The birds get my strawberries and tomatos, but only when they start to turn red. If you are really worried, you can get bird net at lawn/garden...
  2. joebuck

    Is it a he or a she

    Yeah, sorry, Terroricia - I think it's a hermie. Look at my hermie photos in my gallery and or my grow journal. I denied it till the end, but it was definitely not going to give me anything and I was convinced by RIU peeps that even though growing it just to see what it would produce would be...
  3. joebuck

    I think I finally got a female! (PIC)

    Thanks everybody - I'll keep an eye on it and will update this thread and my grow journal w/ the confirmation. :weed:
  4. joebuck

    I think I finally got a female! (PIC)

    Holy cow - I think I finally got a female! (If you want to know why that shocks me, see my grow journal for terrible times with boys and hermies.) Let me know what you think - but these appeared and are only getting more distinct by the day. I would be sooooooo happy if what I think turns...
  5. joebuck

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    darn - got so wrapped up in readin' posts that I forgot to light up at 4:20 my time - catching up now. :weed: Got a box of rain here - nice little sparkley shower came down - there are probably rainbows, so I'm gonna go check it out - dog would like a walk too. :) Wheeee!
  6. joebuck

    Bubblelicious and Bagseed Flower Journal

    I was wondering where you went! I'm so excited that you're flowering...I think I've finally got a for-sure female (at least one), but I'm saving the celebration until I'm sure. :)
  7. joebuck

    Plants growing fairly slow?

    my plants just started growing scary amounts per day over the last 2 weeks but I'm in south central USA. I think it would help alot if you thinned the plants around yours...because it is stretched already and unless the sun is RIGHT above it, the light is getting obstructed or filtered by those...
  8. joebuck

    Willie Nelson First Aid Kit (PICS - literally)

    75 & still smokin'! Like his music or not, you gotta love Willie for being an American original every day of his life.
  9. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    damn, everything is so happy right now - my plants are going CRAZY. even the little ones are growing a big measurable amount every day! It might sound funny, but I think these plants really like to let their roots go wide instead of deep. I think this because I noticed that my plants root...
  10. joebuck

    nut burn,or somethin else??...have a quick look plz

    sorry - not something I've been through, yet - bump ya up so maybe someone can diagnose. good luck! :leaf:
  11. joebuck

    nut burn,or somethin else??...have a quick look plz

    looks like nute burn to me - If the leaves that are on the bottom that are dying are tiny little starter leaves, I wouldn't worry about them - seems like some of them fall off and then are replaced as the plant gets bigger. but if you're talking about big fan leaves, that would worry me.
  12. joebuck

    Rubber looking leaves????

    I'm wondering if they are deformed from too much nutes - like I've seen SuperThrive over-use leaf deformities in some of my other garden plants, not the cannabis. (maybe adviseable not to give nutes while high ;) )
  13. joebuck

    Itsy bitsy spider went up my plant today...

    Spider is still hangin' out. He's probably happy to have something to blend with so perfectly!
  14. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hi everyone - It's ok to comment in my journal. It makes me feel like I'm sharing rather than just logging info for my own use, so say somthing! Am I alone in here? The plants are loving this weather - overcast, humid, 90 degrees. I swear they are growning so much every day. They are starting...
  15. joebuck

    when does flowering outdoors start?(help asap plz)

    You can get a local almanac that will tell you when 12/12 will start in your geography here if that will help. My Local Almanac Sign-in - The Old Farmer's Almanac
  16. joebuck

    Our First Time Growing

    Amen to that, sistah. I just chose the name Joe Buck 'cause I'd just seen him play and I love the name. My husband is supportive of my growing but he doesn't have a green thumb AT ALL, so the research, the potting, the maintaining of the plants is all up to me - but so is the rest of the garden...
  17. joebuck

    cutting hand size leafs

    I thought I'd read somewhere that you need to keep at least 50% of the leaves for the plant to do well - and let's say if you do that and due to some illness or bug you lose some of that %, you might be SOL for your grow. I don't know if I'd risk it on a young plant. It probably needs the leaves...
  18. joebuck

    2 VERY Important Noob Questions

    I live out in a rural place. I was able to get some good organic soil from a local nursery - all that's in it is nice fluffy dirt & pearlite. Home Depot has some organic soils and I'd suspect that Lowe's does too. If you can't get to a "fancy" store (I can't either) to get FF, do what I did -...
  19. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Glorious rain came down upon us yesterday - about an inch. Boy did we need it. Our water tank was getting very low. All of the plants were happy to get rainwater out of the sky and a bit of a rest from the 100 degree temps. Here's the two "big" ones today. Sorry about the bar - it's a support...
  20. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    just distributed some home made compost that I've had goin' for over 2 years around each plant. I've discovered that it's way too rich to mix into's better on top where it repels bad bugs and trickles in it's goodness over a long period of time. :weed: