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  1. joebuck

    Dogs near my site....

    I say get a dog and walk it on the trail...they can't bust you for suspicion if you're walking your dog on a public trail. Don't take your MMJ card or ID w/ you if you're nervous. But hell, if you're that nervous, maybe you shouldn't be growing out there.
  2. joebuck

    Help! Male or Female ?

    I think it's still a little early - you're just gaining leaves right now.
  3. joebuck

    I've been spotted

    I bet as long as you didn't answer in the afirmative or acknowledge it, even if the guy was/is a cop, he may not want to bother if he's literally a neighbor and knows you're not dealing or doing anything overt. Cops see shit every day that they could bust people on, but don't - not thier area...
  4. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Sorry it's been so long - I've just been watching some big growth and now I know it was all in prep for blooming to start. One of my ladies has PMS - it's just starting to show female with preflowers, but has been very tempermental. I'm assuming it needs some good nutes since it may have been...
  5. joebuck

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    monsters starting to bloom in the greenhouse!
  6. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hi there! Depending on the size of your greenhouse, you can figure out the square footage and how much time it would take to either bring the temps down w/ cooled air (w/ ac) or bring it up (depending on the ambient temperature) w/ heat. I think most AC units have some sort of rating for that...
  7. joebuck

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    They are bigger than this today, but charging camera. :)
  8. joebuck

    Making A Nice Bong?

    I had a friend a long time ago who had a cylinder style vaccuum cleaner that they made a monster bong out of - they just ran it backwards and it went through a big water jug - but it would go through ALOT of weed, but for a party, it was great! Run it for like a few seconds and the jug would be...
  9. joebuck

    losing a lot of leaves dying in flowering stage pleae help

    is that light where those leaves are falling off? wouldn't that indicate they are getting fried?
  10. joebuck

    Pest Problem

    Try finding it under beetles at this site - it's really good. What's That Bug?
  11. joebuck

    plant hates sun WTF

    Sounds like they had too much water in the pots and weren't used to the change to outdoors. They like to dry out a little or they will droop, leaves will yellow and fall off. If you still want to try outdoors, you may just want to make that transition a little more gradually. You don't want to...
  12. joebuck

    MexiBlunts Wild Outdoor GORILLA!!!

    I'm not familiar with it - looks somewhat like a harlequin bug we have way down here (Southern US). Some of them are good - they take care of caterpillars. You can comb this site or send them a picture to ID it. What's That Bug?
  13. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Hey Crackbaby Bulldog - To keep the heat down in the greenhouse but still keep the protection and containment it brings (seclusion, protection from deer/coons), I took some of the roof panels off - so now it's got big sky but 4 walls - the windows and doors are all screened, so it still gets...
  14. joebuck

    Landlord shown apt. Plants not done HELP

    can you not take them somewhere for the day? the roof?
  15. joebuck

    My 08 grow

    Wow. Those stalks were amazing. I liked all of the other flowering plants mixed in w/ the cannabis - would keep the geezer neighbors out of your garden, especially if you were in FL or SoCal, there's tropical plants all year long! I noticed your gloves too - they looked all gooey and resin-y...
  16. joebuck

    Is it a he or a she

    Here's a pic - note the close quarters in which the hair and balls occupy. Could have tried tweezers instead of snipping, but STILL, I would have been doing it for DAYS. And no, it never produced anything pre-chopping, just more male flowers and a couple of seeds.
  17. joebuck

    Is it a he or a she

    Yeah, I'd heard that you could try to take off all the little balls as they appear, but once it starts going really fast, you'll quickly see that it is hard to cut the HUNDREDS of flowers and you'd probably end up injuring it. I was going to try it, but when I got in there, I could tell it would...
  18. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    I mean seriously - look at this photo from 6/27 and look at this one from today!
  19. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    crap - clicked post accidentaly. You just can't believe how lucious these leaves are. They are almost blue they are SO green. I gave everyone nutes today - some organic fert that I love, John's Recipie by Lady Bug Brand, it's working great for's almost like compost tea in a bottle...
  20. joebuck

    First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed

    Good lord! Look at 'em today!